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That's over two thousand years of wholesale changes in an enormous field. An excellent topic for a research paper, but beyond the scope of our humble enterprise.

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Q: What were the major milestones in mathematics from Euclid to Euler?
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Give an outline of the major milestones in mathematics from euclid to euler?

Many ideas of mathematics began to form. During this time frame people began to see math as important and so many thinkers spent time trying to solve the worlds problems using math.

What major milestone did mathematicians from Euclid to Euler do?

refer Wikipedia.........

What are the major milestones in math from Euclid to Euler?

That's over two thousand years during which the disciplines of math and its related sciences underwent wholesale changes on a regular basis. It's a great topic for a thesis or a research paper, but it's beyond the scope of our operation.

What is contribution of Euclid in geometry?

His major contributions are in geometry and in his book The Elements. He gave many rules of geometry which are also used nowadays. Books of Euclid provide a base of geometry. Euclid's ideas and theories are still considered as basics of mathematics. His most famous work was Metric. Another contribution of Euclid was that he gave the practical ideas in Mathematics.

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Major milestones in Henry Ford's life include becoming a machinist and leaving the farm life. Another milestone was when he founded the Ford Motor Company.

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No, but you can major in mathematics

When did euler discover calculus?

Euler didn't discover calculus. He made major contributions to calculus throughout his career, but the foundations of calculus were put forth by Newton and Leibniz.

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