because of the gravity of the earth sampak to the moon that creates seed that when the seed is planted it creates roots and they call it slenderbecause it uses slenda that can make our body fit that can make our crush attract to us
1002 the phon was man
Not sure what answer you are looking for, but here are 4 types of roots in math. First is a square roots, next is cube roots, then the nth roots, and lastly rational roots.
Roots of equation of the form ax2 + bx + c Formula is (-b +/- (sqrt (b2 - 4ac)))/2a
No, roots are made by plants.
Roots provide humans with essential nutrients and minerals through consumption. Additionally, roots can be used for medicinal purposes due to their various health benefits. Some roots are also used in culinary dishes for flavor and nutrition.
some are used for eating
A Coffin
please give me examples of roots of irratoinal numbers now!
give five professions that uses in chemistry
No, having black hair gives you black roots.
The Palm Beach Story
Man uses the grasslands for the good soil so they can have good crops.
The uses for man in the desert are usually hunting and find plants to use it for medicine.