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Qualitative is something that you cannot count or assign a number to. One example of qualitative would be if you have two types of paint, gloss or matte, and you wanted to know which dried faster. Gloss and matte have no number value and are then considered quantitative. Another qualitative value could be color. From personal experience I know that our white pigment causes resins to set a lot slower than solid colors such as blue and red. I don't know a whole lot about paint, but I'm pretty sure if you wanted to make the qualitative property quantitative you would find some quantifiable properties that are specific to gloss or matte paint, like chemical compositions or viscosity.

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Q: Give you an examples for qualitative?
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EXAMPLE: Painting Qualitative: Blue Paint, Gold Frame, Smells Musty, Texture Shows Oils were Used, Scene of boats on a river Quantitative: Cost is $300, Weighs 8.9 lbs, Painting is 10" by 14", Frame is 14" by 18", Surface Area is 140 Sq. In. (Qualitative deals with descriptions and can be observed but not measured. Quality. Quantitative deals with numbers and can be measured. Quantity.)

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