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The y-intercept, together with the slope of the line, can also be used in graphing linear equations. The slope and y-intercept of a line can be obtained easily by inspection if the equeation of the line is of the form y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

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Q: Graphing linear equation using the slope and y-intercept of the line?
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Three methods in graphing linear equation?

table of values,x and y-intercept and slope and y-intercept

What is the basic equation for graphing linear equations?

y=mx+b m is slope. slope is rise over run b is y-int

What is the slope and yintercept of y plus 4x plus 3?

There is no slope nor intercept because there is no equation, simply an expression.

How can you tell from a linear equation which direction it goes without graphing the equation?

You must find the slope, if it is positive, then the line is always increasing. If it is negative, then the line is always decreasing.

How do you figure out the equation of a table with a graphic calculator?

It depends on which calculator! If the data is linear, you can estimate the slope of the line and the y-intercept from graphing the data. By graphing the data, you will be able to tell if it forms a straight line or not.

How do you identify a slope given in a linear equation?

To identify the slope in a linear equation, rearrange the equation into the form y = mx + b. The term m is the slope.

How do you graph a linear equation slope intercept?

You can graph a linear equation slope intercept by solving the equation and plugging in the numbers : y=mx+b

What is an example of a linear equation?

The slope-intercept form of a linear equation is y = mx + b where m = slope and b = the y-intercept.

What is the significance of the line when graphing a linear equation?

It shows the Y Intercept, meaning when it would cross the Y axis, and it also shows the slope of the line, and whether it is downward sloping or upwards.

What does slope tell you about inches and centimeters?

Nothing. Slope is a measure used in graphing and algebra. Feet and inches are units of linear measurement.

How does the slope of a linear equation differ from the slope of a quadratic equation?

i dont know 8x+5y=89

What is first step in graphing using slope intercept form of an equation?

Plot the y-axis, which is the b in the y=mx+b in the slope intercept equation. Then, you put your slope and plot the line.