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Assuming it isn't glued, just stuck, here are a handful of suggestions that have worked for me. (1) never stick PVC pipe and fittings together until they are glued and ready to fit (yeah, I know, do as I say. . . .), (2)work with it by wobbling, NOT by twisting, (3)if the pipe is 1/2", slip a 9/16" box-end wrench over the far end, place the pipe snugly under your "off" arm while holding wrench steady with that hand. then tap wrench with mallet (rawhide, if available), TIP: many rapid light taps--striking parallel to the pipe--on the wrench are far more effective than one or two heavy hits. At this point, you've probably wasted more time (spelled m-o-n-e-y) than the fitting is worth; saw it off and buy a new one OR saw it off, put a coupling on it and install as planned, but don't put them together until you're ready to install. The beauty of Schedule 40 PVC pipe is that you can almost never make an unrepairable mistake. Buy a few extra fittings and couplings; if you don't need them, save them for next time!

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Q: Half inch PVC pipe stuck in fitting?
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Yes. A reduction fitting can be used.

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A handheld bandsaw or a cutting torch, along a straight line made by a wraparound pipe marker. our company has the steel pipe machine and you can cut it in 4 inch-haihao pipe fitting group