Assuming it isn't glued, just stuck, here are a handful of suggestions that have worked for me. (1) never stick PVC pipe and fittings together until they are glued and ready to fit (yeah, I know, do as I say. . . .), (2)work with it by wobbling, NOT by twisting, (3)if the pipe is 1/2", slip a 9/16" box-end wrench over the far end, place the pipe snugly under your "off" arm while holding wrench steady with that hand. then tap wrench with mallet (rawhide, if available), TIP: many rapid light taps--striking parallel to the pipe--on the wrench are far more effective than one or two heavy hits. At this point, you've probably wasted more time (spelled m-o-n-e-y) than the fitting is worth; saw it off and buy a new one OR saw it off, put a coupling on it and install as planned, but don't put them together until you're ready to install. The beauty of Schedule 40 PVC pipe is that you can almost never make an unrepairable mistake. Buy a few extra fittings and couplings; if you don't need them, save them for next time!
Given enough time the entire ocean could be pumped through a half-inch pipe.
I'm confused by your use of the term, center to center. I'm guessing you mean from the face of the fitting where the pipe threads in. You can usually screw in about 1/2 inch of pipe into a female fitting, so you would need 10 inches to end up with 9 in between. You can screw this together without a union in between? You can only put pipe together in one direction unless you use a union.
Depending on the length of the pipe, it could range from nearly none to billions of gallons!
If I remember correctly, the pipe size is the inside diameter, so it would depend on the thickness of the wall, as to what size it would fit into.
volume of a pipe is pi * r * r *h where pi=3.1412 r = half the dia of pipe h= length of the pipe make sure u take r and h in same units in this case keep it inches so your answer is 3.1412 * 1 inch * 1 inch*12 inches(foot) = 37.6944 cubic inches or 0.2617 cubic feet
By the use of Flagg Flow T.P Fitting adapters and Cx M or C x F adapters attached to the T.P fitting T.P = threadless pipe
pipe size(inch)x38.1
YES there is
To effectively loosen a stuck plastic pipe fitting, you can try using a lubricant such as WD-40 or a penetrating oil to help loosen the fitting. You can also use a pipe wrench or adjustable pliers to grip the fitting securely and apply steady pressure in a counterclockwise direction to loosen it. Be careful not to apply too much force, as this can damage the fitting.
It should, are you sure your pvc pipe is round
measure the length of the fitting first. Then insert pipe into fitting and mark a line on pipe. measure that bit of pipe. deduct off the length of fitting and half it to give you your x dimension
half tee is c
1/2 inch + 2*thickness of the pipe.
Yes. A reduction fitting can be used.
Water flow rate half inch PVC pipe 65 psi?
Given enough time the entire ocean could be pumped through a half-inch pipe.
A handheld bandsaw or a cutting torch, along a straight line made by a wraparound pipe marker. our company has the steel pipe machine and you can cut it in 4 inch-haihao pipe fitting group