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Well for starters they use it to count their money they make each time an album sells and also they use it when using taxes and other stuff well this is what I know hope I helped ;-)

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Q: How Do singers use math in there career?
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Why do singers use math?

i dont know really

How do singers use math?

a singer could use math to count there money. they could also use it to calculate there taxes and things

How is math used in a singers career?

So they can manage their money and so nobody won't try to still money from your bank account.

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How does a famous singer use math in their career?

they don't.

What type of careers can use math?

Any career that is not just tedious repetitive tasks will inevitably require the use of math.

Do you need to use math in every career?

Yes. We don't always notice the use of math, in the jobs we do, but all jobs involve the use of math in one form or another. We teach Math in school because in our modern world we do need to know some Math. However some careers need less difficult Math then others.

Careers that use math?

I don't think you could find a career that doesn't .

Can you be 11years old to get a singing career?

Yes, most singers start their career at a very young age.

What career are for math?


What career uses dividing monomials?

This is a tough question. There aren't many jobs that use monomials and polynomials daily but if you want to have a career as a math teacher you have to know this.

What math skills needed for a career in civil engineering?

Any career that has "engineering" in its name will require lots of math skills. If you enjoy math, and are good at it, great. Otherwise, you may want to think twice before you enter into such a career.Any career that has "engineering" in its name will require lots of math skills. If you enjoy math, and are good at it, great. Otherwise, you may want to think twice before you enter into such a career.Any career that has "engineering" in its name will require lots of math skills. If you enjoy math, and are good at it, great. Otherwise, you may want to think twice before you enter into such a career.Any career that has "engineering" in its name will require lots of math skills. If you enjoy math, and are good at it, great. Otherwise, you may want to think twice before you enter into such a career.