Integers are whole numbers, so anywhere that whole numbers are used. Calendars, groceries, hours, distances, dates, road numbers, school years, TV channels, music hit lists, box office best sellers, sports scores etc
Well there is cooking, height, temperature, bank account, sea level, weight, etc.
Statistics are used in day to day life when calculating taxes. They are also used when making change, paying bills, and cooking.
The set of integers is represented by Z.
Natural number are numbers used from 1 to infinite and Whole numbers are Natural numbers including zero at the start . Integers are whole numbers including additive inverses of natural numbers. Natural numbers are used for counting and Zero in it is required to show the absence of something. the integers have both of these included in them and except that it also have the negative numbers included in them such as -1,-2,-3 and this mixture of whole, natural and negative numbers is known as integers. Integers are used in many ways such as integers are used on thermometers to provide the temperature marking of the material we are measuring Integers are also used in any profit or loss for e.g. in banking or any other situation ( by - or + sign ). Not only that integers can be used in almost everything for e.g. games , shopping etc.
EVERYWHERE ! An integer is any whole number. Therefore you would use integers in something as simple as calculating whether a retailer has given you the correct change or telling the time.
dates consisting of 3 integers: day, month, year. your age
Integers are used everyday in life. The counting numbers are a subset of the integers and we use them every day. Another name for the counting numbers is the natural numbers. So the positive integers are used to count objects all around us. Now 0 is an integer also and we use it all the time as you might guess. What about the negative integers? We use those when we talk about very cold temperatures. For example, it is -20 is North Dakota and -20 is a negative integer.
Well there is cooking, height, temperature, bank account, sea level, weight, etc.
they aren't used in real life, not unless you need them in a situation were you would need to use them.
temperature.. -20 degrees 34 degree.. the numbers are integers. Of course you could have 20.4 degree, but often just integers are used
All i know is there are none though the integers can be used logically in daily life .
They are everywhere.
Integers can be positive or negative.
Negative numbers can be used for weather, when we talk about temperature that is below zero.
integers are used in skateboarding by using positive integers like 180 360 540 720 and 900
Statistics are used in day to day life when calculating taxes. They are also used when making change, paying bills, and cooking.