Well, there are really only two: parallel and intersecting. Parallel lines go in the same direction and never cross; intersecting lines do cross (or intersect). However, a third relationship, that's actually a special case of intersecting lines, is the case of perpendicular lines. Perpendicular lines are those that make four right angles when they intersect. Really, it's enough if you know that only one of the angles is a right angle - the rest follow automatically.
Upper-case (capital) A, K, M, N, V, W, X, Y, Z
In the present font, B, D, E, F, H, I, L, P, R, and T have. At least in the upper case they do.
A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone.The circle is a conic section where the plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cone. The special case of a point is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.The ellipse is a conic section where the plane is not perpendicular to the axis, but its angle is less than one of the nappes. The special case of a point is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.The parabola is a conic section where the plane is parallel to one of the nappes. The special case of two intersecting lines is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.The hyperbole is a conic section where the angle of the plane is greater than on of the nappes. There are two sides to the hyperbole. The special case of two lines intersecting is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.For more information, please see the Related Link below.
Perpendicular lines intersect."lines" are infinitely long, if you want to say that anypoint on an infinitely long line bisects that line (which IS the case in several geometrical theories but not all!) then:YES, perpendicular lines bisect each other.otherwise:NO, you cannot bisect something that is infinitly long.
perpendicular crosses at a right angle, while intersecting lines don't
No. If the lines are parallel they will never meet or intersect at any point. If the lines are perpendicular they do intersect, but perpendicular lines are a special case of intersecting lines. Perpendicular lines are exactly 90 degrees from each other. Intersecting lines do not haveto be perpendicular... but perpendicular lines are always intersecting.
Well, there are really only two: parallel and intersecting. Parallel lines go in the same direction and never cross; intersecting lines do cross (or intersect). However, a third relationship, that's actually a special case of intersecting lines, is the case of perpendicular lines. Perpendicular lines are those that make four right angles when they intersect. Really, it's enough if you know that only one of the angles is a right angle - the rest follow automatically.
No. "Intersecting" just mean that they cross. "Perpendicular" means, specifically, that they cross at a right angle. Actually, in the case of segments, they don't even need to cross to be "perpendicular", but the lines that contain them would cross at right angles.
Upper-case (capital) A, K, M, N, V, W, X, Y, Z
In the upper case Roman alphabet, and depending on the font being used: A,B,D,G,K,P,Q,V,W,X and Y. In some case the sloped lines of K may be perpendicular.
In the present font, B, D, E, F, H, I, L, P, R, and T have. At least in the upper case they do.
In upper case: A, B, G, K, M, N, Q, R, V, W, X, Y and Z.
By definition, any lines/segments that are perpendicular to each other either do, or (in the case of non-intersecting segments) would, intersect each other at right angles. A right angle being a 90* angle. Therefore, perpendicular, intersecting line segments will form 4 90* angles.
A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone.The circle is a conic section where the plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cone. The special case of a point is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.The ellipse is a conic section where the plane is not perpendicular to the axis, but its angle is less than one of the nappes. The special case of a point is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.The parabola is a conic section where the plane is parallel to one of the nappes. The special case of two intersecting lines is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.The hyperbole is a conic section where the angle of the plane is greater than on of the nappes. There are two sides to the hyperbole. The special case of two lines intersecting is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.For more information, please see the Related Link below.
The answer depends on how you write the numbers.In general, only 4 has intersecting lines. With all other numbers there are lines that touch but do not intersect.Handwritten 8 does have intersecting lines but it does not on in print. In the case of a handwritten 7, it depends on whether it is crossed (in the German fashion).The answer depends on how you write the numbers.In general, only 4 has intersecting lines. With all other numbers there are lines that touch but do not intersect.Handwritten 8 does have intersecting lines but it does not on in print. In the case of a handwritten 7, it depends on whether it is crossed (in the German fashion).The answer depends on how you write the numbers.In general, only 4 has intersecting lines. With all other numbers there are lines that touch but do not intersect.Handwritten 8 does have intersecting lines but it does not on in print. In the case of a handwritten 7, it depends on whether it is crossed (in the German fashion).The answer depends on how you write the numbers.In general, only 4 has intersecting lines. With all other numbers there are lines that touch but do not intersect.Handwritten 8 does have intersecting lines but it does not on in print. In the case of a handwritten 7, it depends on whether it is crossed (in the German fashion).
Oh honey, you're in for a treat! The letters "O" and "S" have no parallel, perpendicular, or intersecting line segments. They're just doing their own thing, floating around without a care in the world. Just like me at a buffet table!