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Q: How are quadratic graphs used in real life?
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How are graphs used in real life?

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How are parabolas used in real life?

Parabolas are used in real life in light reflectors on cars to create a concentrated beam of intense light. Braking distance and stopping distance are quadratic formulas so their graphs are parabolas. A ball in motion in space has a path of a parabola.

What is the use of quadratic formula if it is not used into real life?

The question is based on the false assumption that the quadratic formula is not used in daily life. Wrong, it IS!

Where can i find a real-life application of a quadratic function?

Quadratic functions are used to describe free fall.

Can you give me an example of a real life situation involving quadratic functions?

Quadratic functions will be used in chemistry in real life. Quadratic equations are used to solve equilibrium problems and determine the amount of reactants in a mixture that will react and the concentrations of products that will be form.

When are graphs used in real life?

Graphs in real life are used in at times when analysis of information is needed. for example, when tracking population growth of a species over a period of years scientists will use empirical data and field study to graph out how the species is growing or declining for study.

How are quadratic equations used in the real world?

There are many ways quadratic equations are used in the real world. These equations are used to calculate area, speed and profit

How are line graphs used in real life?

People use line graphs in businesses, and to compare data. Line graphs are mostly used when people are entrepreneurs. They figure out profit this way. Line graphs are also used when a product is made. They decide if they should continue to make this product, by how well the product sells. Line graphs show the change.

How graphs are used in your life at home?

Graphs can be used at home, especially if you're remodeling.

What graphs are used when trying to find trends in data?

Scatter graphs. Line graphs may be used at a later stage when there is a better idea of the general shape of the line - whether it is a straight line, a quadratic curve, a logarithmic or exponential curve etc, or one of the standard probability distributions.

Real life examples where quadratic equations are used?

Calculating the path of an object when acted on by a continual force (like a ball thrown where there is gravity)

What are quadratic functions used for in everyday life?

Anything involving a square law automatically invokes a quadratic function by definition, even if the equations is as simple as y = x^2, such as the area of a square (hence the names). At a more advanced level, quadratic and higher-order functions crop up in all manner of real-life science and engineering problems.