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Q: How are the absulete values of opposite integers related?
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When two integers add to zero?

Two integerss add to zero when their absolute values are equal and they have opposite signs.

When two integers of opposite signs are added the result is the difference between the absolute values with the sign of the integer with the larger absolute value?


What is the connection between absolute value and integers?

None. Integers can be negative, absolute values cannot. Absiolute values can be rational or irrational fractions, integers cannot.

The sum of 3 consecutive odd integers is less than 150. What are the largest possible values for the integers?

The largest possible values for the integers are 47, 49, and 51.

What is a nonexample of opposite values?

An apple and a banana are a non-example of opposite values.

When two values change in opposite directions so that if one is doubled the other is reduced to one half?

The variables are said to be INVERSELY related.

Array subscripts are always a large numbers b characters c negative values d integers?

d integers

What are the rules in adding integers with unlike signs?

For each pair of such integers, find the difference between the absolute values of the two integers and allocate the sign of the bigger number to it.

Is 1.125 a integer?

no, integers are whole numbers and have no decimal points ; 1,2,3 etc. are integers but not 1.8, for example do not have any values after the decimal

What is the rule in dividing integers?

The rule in dividing integers is to divide the absolute values. Two positive integers or two negative integers equals positive product. If one integer is positive and the other is negative, the product is negative.

Is a ratio a comparison between two ratios?

A ratio is a comparison between two values. The values can be integers or fractions (ratios).

Are the domain and range values of a sequence positive integers?

The domain is, but the range need not be.