A divisor is a number that divides another number, also known as the dividend, without leaving a remainder. The quotient, on the other hand, is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. In other words, the quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor and the quotient are related in that the divisor is used to divide the dividend and obtain the quotient.
quotient top: divisor bottom
They are the same. The quotient of the equation: 160/8 = 20 is 20, which has only one zero. The dividend of this equation is 160, which also has only one zero. Therefore they both have the same number of zeros
As multiplication is related to addition, division is related to subtraction: when dividing one number (the dividend) by another (the divisor) the division tells you how many times you can subtract the divisor from the dividend before the result passes zero (and becomes negative). For example: 20 ÷ 5 = 4 tells you that you can subtract 5 four times from 20 (to reach zero), but if you subtract any more it will become negative. If the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor, then after a certain number of subtractions the result will be greater than zero but also less than the divisor - this is the remainder, eg 22 ÷ 5 = 4 remainder 2, since: 22 - 5 = 17 (once); 17 - 5 = 12 (twice); 12 - 5 = 7 (thrice); 7 - 5 = 2 (four times); if we subtract 5 again, the result is negative (2 - 5 = -3). When dealing with whole numbers, this is as far as we can go and we say 22 ÷ 5 = 4 remainder 2. However, if we allow for fractions, then we could subtract a fraction of 5 and reach (but not pass) zero. So what fraction of 5 is the remainder 2? Answer: 2/5 (two fifths). So we could subtract a further 2/5 of 5 = 2/3 × 5 = 2 from 2 to get to zero. Thus, if we allow for fractions, we can say 22 ÷ 5 = 4 2/5 (or 4.4 as a decimal). This is true of all divisors: if there is a remainder greater than zero but less than the divisor, then that remainder (as the numerator) over the divisor (as the denominator) is the fraction of the divisor that needs to be subtracted to reach, but not pass, zero. (This fraction can be simplified, for example 14 ÷ 4 = 3 remainder 2, which with fractions is 3 2/4, but 2/4 can be simplified to 1/2 (as they are equivalent fractions), so 14 ÷ 4 = 3 1/2 (or 3.5 as a decimal). This the remainder can be represented as a fraction (of the divisor).
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A divisor is a number that divides another number, also known as the dividend, without leaving a remainder. The quotient, on the other hand, is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. In other words, the quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor and the quotient are related in that the divisor is used to divide the dividend and obtain the quotient.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
quotient top: divisor bottom
Divisor and dividend are two very related math terms
Fractions are related to division because the top of the fraction is the numerator or the dividend of the fraction and the bottom of the fraction is the denominator or the divisor of the fraction.
They are the same. The quotient of the equation: 160/8 = 20 is 20, which has only one zero. The dividend of this equation is 160, which also has only one zero. Therefore they both have the same number of zeros
The quotient gives the number of times that the divisor can be subtracted from the numerator. For example, 17/5 gives a quotient of 3 [and a remainder of 3]. This is equivalent to saying that 5 can be subtracted 3 times from 17 and that will leave a remainder of 2.
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Fractions are form of a division problem and a quotient is an aswer to one. So a fractions mixed number is a quotient