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Q: How can geometry help me in the electrical field?
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Related questions

What has the author Peter Field written?

Peter Field has written: 'Projective geometry' -- subject(s): Projective Geometry

What was euclid's field of study?


How did Albert Einstein contribute to the field of geometry?

yes, he did contribute to the field of geometry. he credited Gauss with formulating the mathematical fundamentals of the theory of relativity.

What field of math did Pythagoras study in?


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Mathematicians in field of geometry?


What are the Applications of analytical geometry in engineering field?

Analytical geometry is used widely in engineering. It set the foundation for algebraic, differential, discrete, and computational geometry. It is the study of geometry using a coordinate system.

Does a charge in motion establish an electrical field?

yes because(F=Q.v.B) Than electrical field intensity is (E=v.B) that established a electrical field.

Why was geometry discovered?

Geometry is is a form of math that deals with the size, shape, and position of figures and with the properties of space. Initially a body of practical knowledge concerning lengths, areas, and volumes, in the third century BC geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid. Geometry was used to help in the field of astronomy, especially mapping the positions of the stars and planets on the celestial sphere.

What are the other sciences or occupations that are related to geometry?

Geometry is a field of mathematics and is neither a science nor an occupation. Any other field of mathematics can be related to geometry. Trigonometry and algebra are among the most closely related. Occupations that use geometry include engineering, physics, and astronomy, but many others do as well.

Who is the creator of geometry?

Euclid is popularly referred to as the Father of Geometry. He was a Greek mathematician. He applied elements in the geometry field to depict the work in two frames. He made contributions to the optics and conics field. That's why he is sometimes referred to as founder of optics also.

Geometry words that start with j?

One geometry term that starts with the letter "J" is "juxtaposition," which refers to the placement of two or more geometric shapes or figures next to each other. Another term is "joint," which is the point where two or more line segments meet. "Jacobian" is a term used in calculus and geometry to refer to the determinant of the Jacobian matrix, which represents how a change in variables affects the orientation of a geometric shape.