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Q: How can solve the effect of a and q in a parabola?
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Today we'll study the parabola effect.

How do you do a parabola?

A parabola is a graph of a 2nd degree polynomial function. Two graph a parabola, you must factor the polynomial equation and solve for the roots and the vertex. If factoring doesn't work, use the quadratic equation.

How do you solve for roots in a parabola?

If the equation of the parabola isy = ax^2 + bx + c then the roots are [-b +/- sqrt(b^2-4ac)]/(2a)

Where does the parabola cross the x axis?

Set y = 0 and solve for x, with a parabola you should get one, two, or no x-axis crossings, it depends on the equation and the location on the x-y axis of the parabola.

Can you solve X2 plus Y equals 63?

No you can't. There is no unique solution for 'x' and 'y'. The equation describes a parabola, and every point on the parabola satisfies the equation.

How do you find the y intercept on a parabola?

If you know the equation, you just plug in x = 0 and solve.

What is q divided by -6 plus 11 equals -2 solve for q?

q = 78

How do you solve q squared plus 16q equals 0?

By factoring. q2 + 16q = 0 q (q + 16) = 0 Now, either q = 0, or q + 16 = 0. Solve those two equations to get the solution.

How do you solve 3q - 5 13 for q.?

3q = 18 q = 6

What is the focus of a parabola?

The focus of a parabola is a fixed point that lies on the axis of the parabola "p" units from the vertex. It can be found by the parabola equations in standard form: (x-h)^2=4p(y-k) or (y-k)^2=4p(x-h) depending on the shape of the parabola. The vertex is defined by (h,k). Solve for p and count that many units from the vertex in the direction away from the directrix. (your focus should be inside the curve of your parabola)

The vertex of this parabola is at (-2, -3) When the x-value is -1, the?

Y=a(x-h)+k is the vertex formula. Since the vertex is at (-2,-3) this parabola has the equation: y=a(x+2)^2-3 We can plug in x=-1 but we really need to know a, to solve for y. ( we can solve it, but we will have an a in the solution)