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Q: How can we going to use the transformation in real life?
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I don't know you tell me?

How do we use the transformation of energy in our daily life?

We use the transformation of energy in our daily life by converting food into energy for our bodies, using electricity to power our devices, and burning fuel to heat our homes and fuel our vehicles. Energy transformation is essential for various tasks and activities we do every day.

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it is just another pointless geometry term that you would only use if you are going to be a math teacher

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In 7th grade trust me im doing it right now its a little hard!

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School is part of real life... if you are using equations in school that is real.

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A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.

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They are similiar because we use them in real life

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If you mean attack power, no...thats in a game not real life.

How would you use transformation in a sentence?

the transformation of a butterfly is interesting

Scientists use a what to determine if a transformation was successful?

Scientists use a genetic marker to determine the success of a transformation. Genetic markers will change if the transformation has succeeded.