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Assuming the first square number is 12, then the sixth (not sith) square number is 62 or 6*6 = 36.
The force is an important part of life for both Jedi and Sith alike. Distance is very important, as you may have noticed in some of the films, some weaker individuals can only project force over short spaces, but more powerful people can even project force across large rooms, ex: Darth Vader
they invented algebra; Arabic numerals.... perfected the Greek astrolabe; realized the earth was round.Answ2. Eratosthenes, about 200 BCE, had measured the circumference of the earth, and depending whether you think he used a Greek Stadion or an Egyptian one, his answer was within 16% or within 1% of the true value. A remarkable achievement. [He of Eratosthenes sieve.]The Babylonians from about the same era, though they used a sexagesimal numbering system, nevertheless had the concept of marking a space for what we call Zero.The Greeks had real trouble with this concept, for their system was dominated by logical argument and ratios, and they had no concept of zero. For 'why would you have a name for something that didn't exist'.The Hindi (India) on the other hand considered in their philosophy that the state of 'non-being', of nothing; had great merit and is one of the objects of some of their meditation. Their derivation of the concept was rather like "leave a space" for which the Arabs adopted the name sith from which we obtain our word cipher.The numerals and their shapes may easily be traced back to the Cuneiform of the Babylonians.The Arab who were herders, had plenty of time to study the stars, and many of our stars thus have Arab names.The algebraic manipulations we have are based on improvements made by the Arabs to earlier Indian (Hindi) methods. For the Arab were great traders, and needed methods of reckoning.And, the Maya of Mesoamerica also invented zero independently, but once again this may have been of the form "leave a space".AND they invented time travel! Look carefully at the question and the dates. Many of these things were accomplished long before Islam was even around. Also, it appears that many of the advances made by Islamic mathematicians and scientist were during a short term of "tolerance" within the faith which disappeared in latter years. As time progressed, progress came in spite of the influence of the Islamic faith not because of it. In all fairness, that last statement could also apply to segments of Catholic history.
Combined Elements#'s (1)1UP = life + mushroomA's (15)Airplane = metal + birdAlbert Einstein* = scientist + energyAlcohol = fire + waterAlcoholic = man + alcoholAlgae = life + waterAlien = star + lifeAluminium = airplane + metalAmbulance* = hospital + carArable = earth + toolArms = metal + toolAsh = fire + treeAshtray* = ash + glassAssassin = man + poisoned weaponsAustrialia = kangaroo + countryAvian Flu* = flu + birdB's (30)Baby = man + sexBacon* = fire + pigBacteria = life + swampBar* = brick house + beerBarbecue = fire + meatBat = bird + vampireBatman* = man + batBeach = water + sandBear = beast + forestBeast = earth + lizardBeaver = dam + beastBee = flower + beetleBeer = alcohol + wheatBeetle = earth + wormBeetroot = sugar + seedBelarus = tractor + countryBerry = grass + fruitBicycle = wheel + wheelBird = air + eggBitumen = kerogen + pressureBlood = beast + hunterBoat = water + woodBoiler = metal + steamBook = feather + paperBorscht = beetroot + fireBow* = robin hood + armsBread= dough + fireBrick= clay + fireBrick House= brick + concreteButterfly= air + wormC's (40)Cactus= desert + treeCamel* = desert + beast (thanks to theD)Cancer = man + tobaccoCar = cart + combustion engineCaramel* = sugar + fireCarbon Dioxide = oxygen + manCarmine = cochineal + fireCart = wheel + woodCat = mouse + hunterCatDog* = cat + dogCaviar = fish + fishCement = clay + limestoneCemetery* = grave + graveCeramics = clay + manChampagne = wine + soda waterChariot = warrior + cartCheese = quark(cheese) + fireChicken = egg + lifeChina = dragon + countryChocolate = cocoa + sugarChristmas Tree = tree + lightbulbCigarettes = paper + tobaccoCity = skyscraper + skyscraperClay = sand + swampClock = hourglass + electricityCloth = tool + woolClothing = cloth + manCloud = air + steamCoal = fire + treeCoca-Cola = soda water + carmineCochineal = cactus + beetleCocoa = seed + mexicoCoffin = corpse + woodCoin = silver + pressureCombustion Engine = steam engine + gasolineConcrete = cement + waterContinent = country + countryCorpse= fire + manCountry = city + cityCrop Circles* = ufo + arable (fixed from ufo + grain)D's (12)Dam = brick + waterDesert = sand + sandDiamond = uncut diamond + toolDiet = man + yogurtDilemma = chicken + eggDinosaur = earth + eggDoctor = hospital + scientistDog = wolf + manDough = flour + waterDr. Zoidberg* = doctor + lobsterDragon = fire + flying dinosaurDust = air + earthE's (11)E-book* = microchip + bookEctoplasm = ghost + energyEgg = life + stoneEgypt = cat + countryElectric eel* = snake + electricityElectric ray* = fish + electricityElectricity = energy + metalElephant = whale + earthEnergy = air + fireEnt = tree + lifeExplosion* = gasoline + fireF's (24)Fabergé Egg = egg + diamondFarmer = man + seedFat = man + pigFeather = bird + hunterFern = moss + swampFinland = sauna + countryFire Elemental = fire + lifeFirearms = arms + gunpowderFirefighter* = hero + fireFirefly* = light + beetleFish = bacteria + planktonFisherman* = hunter + fishFlour = stone + wheatFlower = water + seedFlu = air + bacteriaFondue = cheese + fireForest = grove + groveFossil = dinosaur + earthFrance = champagne + countryFrankenstein* = corpse + electricityFried Chicken = chicken + fireFrog = lizard + swampFruit = tree + farmerFugu* = fish + poisonG's (14)Gasoline = petroleum + pressureGenie* = lamp + ghostGermany* = vw beetle + countryGeyser = steam + earthGhost = ash + lifeGhostbusters* = hunter + ghostGlass = fire + sandGold = philosopher's stone + silverGolem = clay + lifeGrape = earth + woodGrass = earth + mossGrave = earth + corpseGrove = tree + treeGunpowder = dust + fireH's (10)Hen Coop = chicken + hutHero = dragon + warriorHoney = bee + treeHospital = brick house + sickHot Chocolate* = chocolate + fireHourglass = glass + sandHouse M.D.* = man + vicodinHunter = arms + manHut = man + stoneHydrogen = water + electricityI's (7)Ice = water + glassIceland* = volcano + countryIdea = man + light bulbIndia = kama sutra + countryIodine = algae + fireIsland = sea + volcanoItaly = venice + countryJ's (3)Japan* = sushi + countryJedi = warrior + lightsaberJuice* = berry + pressureK's (5)Kama Sutra = book + sexKangaroo = frog + 1UPKerogen = fossil + pressureKilt = scotland + clothingKnife = meat + toolL's (21)Lamp = fire + glassLance Armstrong* = bicycle + cancerLava = earth + fireLava Golem = lava + lifeLava Lamp*= lava + lampLawn Mower = scissors + combustion engineLeech* = blood + wormLibrary = book + bookLichen* = mushroom + algaeLife = energy + swampLight = electricity + light bulbLight bulb = electricity + glassLighthouse* = skyscraper + lightLightning Rod = thunderstorm + metalLightsaber = arms + lightLime = fire + limestoneLimestone = shells + stoneLivestock = beast + manLizard = snake + wormLobster = scorpion + waterLocomotive*= cart + steam engineM's (27)Man = beast + lifeManure = grass + livestockMario = 1UP + manMcDonald's = Coca-Cola + sandwichMeat = beast + hunterMentos = coca-cola + geyserMermaid* = woman + fishMetal = fire + stoneMetal Golem = life + metalMexico = tequila + countryMicrochip = transistor + transistorMilk = livestock + manMirror = aluminium + glassMite* = life + dustMold = mushroom + mudMolotov Cocktail* = fire + alcoholMoney = coin + paperMoon = cheese + sky (fixed from star + mirror)Moss = swamp + algaeMotorboat* = boat + combustion engineMotorcycle* = bicycle + combustion engineMouse = cheese + beastMud = dust + waterMummy = paper + zombieMuseum = brick house + fossilMushroom = earth + algaeMusic* = sound + ideaO's (6)Obesity= man + mcdonald'sOld Man = man + timeOmelette* = egg + fireOxygen = water + electricityOxyhydrogen = oxygen + hydrogenOzone = oxygen + electricityP's (25)Panda = tree + beastPaper = reed + toolPearl* = sand + shellsPeat = swamp + treePenguin* = bird + icePenicillin = mold + scientistPerfume = alcohol + flowerPetri Dish* = glass + bacteriaPetroleum = bitumen + pressurePhilosopher's Stone = philosophy + stonePhilosophy = dilemma + scientistPhoenix* = bird + firePig = livestock + mudPiggy Bank* = ceramics + coinPillow* = feather + clothPinocchio* = wood + lifePizza = cheese + doughPlanet* = continent + continentPlankton = bacteria + waterPlesiosauria = dinosaur + waterPoison = mushroom + toolPoisoned Weapons = arms + poisonPressure = earth + earthPrisoner* = assassin + timePterodactyl = dinosaur + airQ's (2)Quark = soured milk + fireQuetzalcoatl = snake + birdR's (9)R2-D2* = star wars + robotRainbow* = light + stormReed = grass + swampRobin Hood = forest + heroRobot = metal golem + electicityRomania* = transylvania + countryRuby* = aluminium + oxygenRussia* = vodka + countryRust*= water + metalS's (61)Sailboat = boat + clothSailing ship = cloth + wooden shipSailor* = boat + manSalamander* = fire + lizardSalo = man + pigSalt* = sea + fireSaltpeter = limestone + manureSand = stone + waterSandstorm* = storm + sandSandwich = meat + breadSanta Claus* = old man + Christmas treeSaudi Arabia* = petroleum + countrySauna = steam + hutScarab = beetle + manureScientist = library + manScissors = knife + knifeScorpion = beetle + sandScotch whiskey = alcohol + peatScotland = scotch whisky + countrySea = water + waterSeed = life + sandSex = man + manSex and the City* = sex + cityShells = plankton + stoneSick = man + fluSilicon = pressured + sandSilk = china + clothSilver = moon + metalSith = jedi + assassinSky = air + cloudSkyscraper = brick house + glassSmoke = fire + tobaccoSnail* = shells + wormSnake = swamp + wormSniper* = assassin + firearmsSoap* = ash + fatSoda water = carbon dioxide + waterSoldier = firearms + manSound = metal + windSoured milk = milk + yogurtSpinning wheel = wheel + woolStake = wood + knifeStar = sun + scientistStar Wars = sith + jediStatue = stone + toolStatue of Liberty = USA + statueSteam = air + waterSteam-engine = boiler + coalSteamer* = steam-engine + wooden shipStone = air + lavaStorm = air + energySugar = lime + reedSulfur = bacteria + swampSun = sky + chariotSunflower* = sun + flowerSushi = fish + algaeSwamp = earth + waterSweater* = yarn + toolSwine flu = pig + fluSwiss Army Knife = knife + toolSwitzerland = country + fondueT's (18)Team* = beast + cartTequila = alcohol + wormThe Beatles = beetle + beetleThunderbird* = bird + stormThunderstorm = storm + electricityTime = life + hourglassToast* = fire + breadTobacco = fire + grassTool = man + metalTotoro = forest + ghostTractor = lawn mower + arableTransformers* = car + lifeTransistor = silicon + electricityTransylvania = vampire + countryTree = earth + seedTurtle = egg + sandTwilight saga* = vampire + werewolfTyphoon* = storm + waterU's (6)UFO = alien + airplaneUkraine* = salo + countryUncut diamond = coal + pressureUndead* = zombie + corpseUnited Kingdom* = the beatles + countryUSA = coca-cola + countryV's (8)Vampire= blood + manVenice = city + waterVicodin = sick + doctorVinegar* = alcohol + oxygenVodka = alcohol + waterVolcano = lava + pressureVulture* = corpse + birdVW beetle = car + beetleW's (15)Warrior = arms + hunterWeevil* = flour + beetleWerewolf = beast + vampireWhale = beast + waterWheat = arable + seedWheel = tool + woodWhey = soured milk + fireWind = air + airWine = grape + alcoholWolf = moon + beastWoman = baby + timeWood = tool + treeWooden ship = boat + woodWool = beast + hunterWorm = earth + planktonY's (4)Yarn = spinning wheel + woolYoda = jedi + swampYogurt = bacteria + milkYoshi = 1up + eggZ's (2)Zombie = fossil + lifeZoo* = beast + museum
No, Darth Vader cannot use Force lightning. He primarily uses the Force for telekinesis, mind control, and enhanced physical abilities, but Force lightning is a power associated with the Sith, and Vader never displayed proficiency in that particular skill.
you have to uprade his force power´s first
You have to be a Sith Warrior to be able to have Vette as an companion.
Force lightning is simply pure energy drawn using the Force that is shot from the fingertips.
One is real and the other is fictional.
If you're referring to Darth Sidious, his real name is Palpatine
No. I find it best to use sith lightning, though.
A sith stalker is a assain
Many people think Darth Revan was an ultimate Sith, far more superior than Bane or Vader. They are wrong. Bane is one of the few true Sith. Darth Revan quit the Sith and helped the Jedi defeat his own Sith Empire. Darth Vader attempted to kill his master, a Sith master, Darth Sidious, to save his son, Luke skywalker, a Jedi Padawn. No Sith would sacrifice a Sith Master for a Jedi Padawan. Darth Krayt, of course, was one of the greatest sith. He was able to manipulate and control Darth Talon, the Darth Wyyrlok's, Darth Stryfe, and very, very briefly Cade Skywalker. Krayt also controled more Sith and one of the largest Sith Empires ever. He was seemingly unstoppable at the time. Darth Wyyrlok was also a great Sith, Evan though he didn't have his own empire. His daughter and grand daughter were also Darth Wyyrlok at some time. Darth Talon was also a very powerful Sith. Quinlan Voss would've been a great sith if Mace Windu hadn't tricked him.
Palpatine would have had no choice but to except his fate if Anikan chose to kill him. Palpatine became incredibly weak after his duel with Mace Windu, largely due to the fact that Mace Windu was able to deflect most of Palpatines Force Lightning back at him. The lightning is what made Palpatine look so old so fast. One thing that should be noted is that because Palpatine was shooting lightning at Mace Windu, and Windu was deflecting it back, Palapatine was being electrocuted by his own lightning, putting him into shock and causing him to shoot more lightning out of his fingers.
yes, he's the main sith character in the movies. anyone with darth in their name is a sith
There are several words that rhyme with sith. Here are some of them. kith pith smith with