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I have twelve I use Pascal's triangle every year to help teach coefficients of polynomial expressions to my incoming algebra students. It lso has a use when teaching cellular Biology... I am not sure what other use it has (except that this year my first grandchild is starting algebra, so the cycle should continue ad infinitum).

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Q: How can we use Pascal's triangle in real life?
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In what situation can we use pascals triangle?

pascals triangle is used to solve math problems that have chance of 2 different outcomes, such as flipping a coin

C programs to generate pascals triangle?

No, use java.

Who uses pascals triangle nowadays?

Well Pascal doesn't use it much. Math people and maybe a few scientists.

What is the use of pascal's triangle?

we can use it in many ways, we can use it in algebra, even in our real life. you can learn the multiplication, addition, and in many triks.

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in construction in engineering say you had a triangular garden and you wanted to turf it

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To convert inches of Mercury to pascals, use the conversion factor 1 inHg = 3386.39 Pa. Multiply the value in inches of Mercury by this conversion factor to get the equivalent value in pascals.

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A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.

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They are similiar because we use them in real life

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If you mean attack power, no...thats in a game not real life.

How do you convert pressure units from pascals to joules?

To convert pressure units from pascals to joules, you can use the formula: 1 Pascal 1 Joule per cubic meter. This means that the pressure in pascals is equivalent to the energy density in joules per cubic meter.