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Add the length and breadth and then double it.

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Q: How can you calculate the perimeter of a rectangle if you know its length and breadth?
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How do you calculate a perimeter of a rectangular block?

perimeter of rectangle=2(l+b) l=length of the rectangle b=breadth of the rectangle

How do you find breadth using perimeter and length?

If the shape is a rectangle (or square), then Perimeter = 2*(Length + Breadth) So Breadth = Perimeter/2 - Length

Write a C program to find the area and perimeter of you square ii rectangle?

#include<stdio.h> void main() { float length, breadth, area, perimeter; printf("Enter the length & breadth of a Rectangle\n(length breadth): "); scanf("%f %f",&length,&breadth); area=length*breadth; perimeter=2*(length+breadth); printf(" Area of the Rectangle=%0.3f\n",area); printf("Perimeter of the Rectangle=%0.3f\n",perimeter); printf("(Press ENTER to exit.)"); getch(); printf("\n"); }

What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 18 cm and breadth is 10 cm?

56 cm Perimeter of a rectangle is given by 2(length + breadth). So, perimeter of given rectangle = 2(18 + 10) = 56

How do you find area and length of a rectangle if perimeter and breadth is given?

2(length+breadth)=Perimetre Length= (Perimetre/2)-Breadth Area=Length x breadth

Area and perimeter of a rectangle?

Area is length times width, perimeter is twice the sum of length and breadth.

The breadth of a rectangle is ten less than four times its length. Let x be the length of the rectangle What is the perimeter of the rectangle in terms of x?

breadth = 4x - 10 ie length + breadth = 5x - 10. Perimeter is double this figure ie 10x - 20 or 10(x - 2)

Can you calculate a perimeter of a rectangle but not the length of its sides?

no No. You need to know the length of a rectangle's sides in order to calculate the perimeter.

How does the perimeter of a rectangular change if one of its sides is doubled?

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + breadth) if one of it's side is doubled then, the resultant perimeter will be 2(2length + breadth) or 2(length + 2 breadth) as the case may be.

If a rectangle has perimeter of 1.57 kilomteres its length is 168 meters what is breadth?

Perimeter = 2*(Length + Breadth) So, 1570 = 2*(168 + Breadth) 785 = 168 + Breadth Breadth = 617 metres Which is rather an unusual result because normally the length is greater than the breadth.

How to find the breadth of a rectangle whose perimeter is 140m and length is 40m?


How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle?

you multiply the length by two then you multiply the width by two and then add the two answers 2l+2w