Nautical mile is usually designated by nmi. An international nautical mile is defined as 1852 meters.
One statute mile is equal to about 0.87 nautical miles.
5280 feet in one Statute Mile 6080 feet in UK Nautical Mile 6076.12 feet in one Intl Nautical Mile
There are 792,000 feet in a statute mile and 911,400 feet in a nautical mile.
It depends on the type of mile.A statute mile (regular mile) is 5280 feet, so nofor this one.A nautical mile is 6076.11549 feet. So yes for the nautical mile.Then there is something called a RADAR mile, which is equal to 6000 feet.
1 Nautical Mile is 1.1508 statute miles, so 1 knot (nautical miles per hour) is 1.1508 MPH
1 mi = .868976 nautical mile
a nautical mile is 1.852 km and a mile is (statute)1.609344 km so a mile is bigger than a nautical mile
A nautical mile is greater than a statute (land) mile. One nautical mile is equal to about 1.15 statute miles.
Nautical mile = 6080 feet Statute mile = 5280 feet Difference = 800 feet.
One statute mile is equal to about 0.87 nautical miles.
One statute mile is 0.86897624 nautical miles.
Using GPS coordinates, a minute equals a nautical mile at the equator. A nautical mile is equal to 6,076 feet. A statute mile is equal to 5,280 feet. A minute equals 1.15 statute miles.
1.1508 statute miles and one minute of latitude is equal to 1 nautical mile.
One good sentence with the word 'nautical' is... "A nautical mile is longer than a statute mile." P.S.-Hope this helps
"Knot" is a unit of speed. It means "nautical mile per hour". 1 nautical mile = 1.151515 "statute" mile (regular mile)
A statute mile is used as the imperial measurement primarily in the USA and UK for land based distances. The statue mile equates to 1609.3 metres to one decimal place. The nautical mile, as the name suggests, is the predominant unit of measurement in the maritime world e.g. sea travel, air travel. The nautical mile equates to exactly 1852 metres. Thus, 1 nautical mile = 1.1508 statute miles
5280 feet in one Statute Mile 6080 feet in UK Nautical Mile 6076.12 feet in one Intl Nautical Mile