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Q: How can you find the rate of change of the variables being graphed?
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If you know 2 points on a line, how can you find the rate of change of the variables being graphed?

if the points are already graphed, you can use the slope right triangle method or you can make a table and go from there. You can also use this formula: y2-y1/x2-x1. The y is the y coordinate and the x is the point's x coordinates. If you have an equation in y=mx+b form the slope or rate of change is the number right before the x.(represented by the m in the example)

If you know two points on a line how can you find the rate of change of the variables being graphed?

You divide the difference in y-coordinates by the difference in x-coordinates. Or whatever the variables are.

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Why is it necessary to keep all variables constant expect the one you are investigating?

otherwise when you change one or more of the other variables involved you will change the values of the variable you are trying to find

Why is graphing an inequality valuable?

Because if there are two inequality eqations, you can find out which overlap if graphed.

Is eliminating variables from equations equal to find the value of the variables?

No, but eliminating variables is one of several ways to find the value of variables in a system of equations.

What is constant variables?

Variables are items, which change their values during the execution of a program. Constants do not change the value during the execution of a program.

How do you find the average rate of change in math?

By summing the mathematical variables say;X1+X2+X3 Then, dividing by their average 3.

How do i find the slope of a graphed line?

you look at the line and see if there are any direct points on the line the slope formula

When a question asks you to state the relationship between the variables what does that mean?

When a question asks you to state the relationship between variables, it is requesting you to describe how the variables are related to each other. This could include whether they have a positive or negative correlation, whether one variable causes a change in the other, or if there is no relationship between the variables.

How do you find Toss the Turtle Variables?

whats toss

Why is it so important to control variables in an experiment?

You need to control variables in an experiment so as to make sure that only the variable you are testing and changing is the one affecting the results of your experiment. For example, in an experiment to find the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of plant, you'll change light by putting a plant in sun and another in dark but you must not change carbon dioxide level for both plants so by that you have controlled other variables in the experiment(variables which must be the same always in the experiment).