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Q: How do you find a degree of a graphed polynomial?
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Is there a relationship between the degree of a polynomial and the number of times its graphed curve changes direction?

I think that there is not .

How do you find the roots of a polynomial of graphed points?

Join the points using a smooth curve. If you have n points choose a polynomial of degree at most (n-1). You will always be able to find polynomials of degree n or higher that will fit but disregard them. The roots are the points at which the graph intersects the x-axis.

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Is 13 a polynomial If it is find its degree and classify it by the number of its terms?

13 is not a polynomial.

how many roots does the graphed polynomial function have?

here is the graph

How do you find the degrees of a polynomial?

Find the degree of each term. The greatest degree is the degree of the polynomial. e.g. the degree of x2+x+1 is 2, the degree of x3+x2+x+1 is 3 etc

How can you find a degree in a polynomial?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of its terms. The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the variables that appear in it.7x2y2 + 4x2 + 5y + 13 is a polynomial with four terms. The first term has a degree of 4, the second term has a degree of 2, the third term has a degree of 1 and the fourth term has a degree of 0. The polynomial has a degree of 4.

What degree of polynomial will be produced by multiplying a third degree polynomial and a fourth degree polynomial?

seventh degree polynomial x3 times x4 = x7

How do you find the degree of a polyomial?

For a single variable, the degree is the highest power that appears in the polynomial.

A quadratic polynomial is a third-degree polynomial?

No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).

What type of polynomial is formed by adding a second degree binomial to a fourth degree monomial. State the degree of this polynomial?

A fourth degree polynomial.

What is this polynomial's degree?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest power of the variable.