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I generally use (in order of preference):

  1. a scientific calculator and the [SIN] and [COS] buttons;
  2. a spreadsheet and the =SIN() and =COS() functions;
  3. a slide rule and the SIN and COS scales;
  4. SIN and COSINE tables (though some of my table books only have a SINE table (for these the COSINE of an angle is the same as the SIN of 90o ± the angle) and only for 0o - 90o: other angles are worked out by converting them to this range dependant upon which quadrant they are in, which can also affect the sign of the result); or
  5. convert the angle to radians (angle_in_radians = angle_in_degrees x π/180o) and then use enough terms of the appropriate formula get the required accuracy:
sin(x) = x - 1/3! x3 + 1/5! x5 - 1/7! x7 + ... + 1/(2r+1)! x2r+1 (-1)r + ...

cos(x) = 1 - 1/2! x2 + 1/4! x4 - 1/6! x6 + ... + 1/(2r)! x2r (-1)r + ...

for r = 0, 1, 2, ...

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Q: How can you get the sine and cosine of a given angle?
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The tangent of an angle equals the ratio of the?

Sine of the angle to its cosine.

The tanget of an angle equals the ratio of the?

Sine and the cosine of the angle.

How do you find the hypotenuse with a cosine and or sine?

For a right angle triangle:- hypotenuse = adjacent/cosine or hypotenuse = opposite/sine

What angle is Sine and cosine equal?

at a 45 degree angle, or pi/4

Which angle has a negative sine and a positive cosine?

All the angles in 4th quadrant have positive cosine and negative sine e.g. 280,290,300,310...etc.

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Multiply the speed by the cosine of the angle (25 degrees in this case). For the vertical velocity, multiply by the sine of 25 degrees.Multiply the speed by the cosine of the angle (25 degrees in this case). For the vertical velocity, multiply by the sine of 25 degrees.Multiply the speed by the cosine of the angle (25 degrees in this case). For the vertical velocity, multiply by the sine of 25 degrees.Multiply the speed by the cosine of the angle (25 degrees in this case). For the vertical velocity, multiply by the sine of 25 degrees.

What is the cosine function about?

The cosine function is mathematical equation to determine the adjacent angle of a triangle. The cosine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the hypotenuse: so called because it is the sine of the co-angle.

How do you find sides of right triangle given only the hypotenuse and all angles?

One is the hypotenuse times the sine of one acute angle, the other, the hypotenuse times the sine of the other acute angle (or the cosine of the first).

Why are the sine and the cosine of an acute angle always less than 1?

Well, the easiest way to go at it is simply to remember thatthe sine and cosine of any angle are always less than 1 .

Is 35 degrees cos or sin?

Every angle has a sine and a cosine. The sine of 35 degrees is 0.57358 (rounded) The cosine of 35 degrees is 0.81915 (rounded)

What are facts about right triangles?

The ratio of the length of the side opposite a given angle to the hypotenuse is the sine of that angle.The ratio of the length of the side adjacent to a given angle to the hypotenuse is the cosine of that angle.The ratio of the length of the side opposite a given angle to the side adjacent to that angle is the tangent of that angle.

How do you find the vector components only given the magnitude and angle?

One component = (magnitude) times (cosine of the angle).Other component = (magnitude) times (sine of the angle).In order to decide which is which, we have to know the angle with respect to what.