

Best Answer

1: Fill the 3; (5,0,3)

2: Empty the 3 into the 5; (5,3,0)

3: Fill the 3 again; (2,3,3)

4: Fill the 5 from the 3; (2,5,1)

5: Empty the 5 into the 8; (7,0,1)

6: Empty the 3 into the 5; (7,1,0)

7: Fill the 3 from the 8; (4,1,3)

8: Empty the 3 into the 5. (4,4,0)

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Q: How can you have 4L in 2 jugs each the jug is 8L the second jug is 5L and 3L?
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How many 600mL jugs will fill a 3L jug?

51 L = 1000 mL, so 3L = 3000 mL3000/600= 5

If you have two jugs one can hold 3 liters and the other can hold 5 liters You need to measure out exactly 7 liters of water how would you do it?

Fill the 5L jug. Pour into 3L jug so that it is full and 2L remain in the 5L jug. Empty the 3L jug and then pour 2L from the 5L jug into the 3L jug. Fill the 5L jug again. So now you have 5L in the 5L jug and 2L in the 3L jug. Total of 7L.

How many 200ml bottles cordial can filled from a3l jug?

You can fill 15 bottles of 200ml with a 3L jug of cordial.

You want exaclty 3L of water but you have only 2 jars one jar holds 2L and the other holds 7L Fill either or both jars as many times as you need to get exactly 3L of water without estimating find2ans?

Fill the 7L jug right up, then fill the 2L jar from it twice. What remains in the 7L jug is 3L.

Measure 4 liters with a 7 liter and 5 liter?

Fill the 7 litre and pour into the 5. there's now 2L in the 7L jug. Empty the 5L and pour the 2L from the 7L into the 5L. Refill the 7L and top up the 5L. It will take 3L to do this, leaving 4L in the 7L jug.

What is 3L - 175mL?

3l - 175ml = -172

What is 6K plus 4K minus 3L?

2k - 3l

How do you measure 4 l by using 5 l and 3 l vessels only?

Fill the 5l vessel. Pour 3l into the 3l vessel. Empty the 3l vessel on the ground. Pour the remainder (2l) into the 3l vessel. Fill the 5l again, and pour as much as you can (1l) into the 3l vessel. There are now 4 liters in the 5 liter vessel.

3L of water is how many cups?

12 cups. 1.5L= 6 cups 3L= 12 cups

How many milliliters in 3L?

1 L = 1000 mL so 3L = 3000 mL. Simple!

How many milliliter is 3L?

1 l = 1000 ml → 3l = 3 x 1000 ml = 3000ml

How do you get 4 gallons of water by using a 3 gallon jug and a 5 gallon jug?

Fill the 3 gallon jug to the top and pour it into the 5 gallon jug. Fill the 3 gallon jug again and pour it into the 5 gallon jug until it is full, leaving 1 gallon in the 3 gallon jug. Empty the 5 gallon jug and pour the 1 gallon from the 3 gallon jug into the 5 gallon jug. Fill the 3 gallon jug and pour it into the 5 gallon jug to get 4 gallons of water in the 5 gallon jug.