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It is important to remember that there is no formal definition of an outlier. An outlier is an observation (or a small number of observations) which is (area) out of line with the rest of the observations.

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varshika ravishankar

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2y ago

Q1-1.5(IOR). Q3+1.5(IQR)

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Q: How can you tell whether a data set has an outlier explain?
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What is the outlier of this data 615182021222425282930?

i can not tell you need to space it out and to find outlier try using a box and whisker plot. and if it is just one number there is no outlier

What should be used when there is an outlier?

The most important thing to use is the brain. Why the outlier? Is it more likely to be a genuine result or a data error. Sometimes other variables may suggest a true value.If you cannot tell then carry out the analysis with a smaller weight associated to the outlier. Carry out a sensitivity analysis to see how much difference including the value as normal (w = 1) and excluding it (w = 0) makes. Report on these differences in the conclusion.

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The measure of variability tells you how close to the central value the data values lie: that is whether the cluster is tightly packed around the central value of spread out over a large range of values.

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One way to tell whether a website offers security to help protect your sensitive data is if they have a security certificate for the site matches the name of the site.

Is data the result you obtain in science?

if you mean the result from an experiment, then yes. you ask a question, form a hypothesis, preform an experiment, and you get data. you analysis the data and this should tell you whether your hypothesis was right or wrong. this is the scientific method

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You could tell whether or not the data were skewed but that is all. You could make no assessment about the central tendency (mean) or spread (range, inter-quartile range).

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The ratio of a pair of values is always the same. or The scatter plot of the data indicates a straight line with a positive slope that passes through the origin.

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if the power of ten is a negative number it's smaller than one.