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The exact definition of which points are considered to be outliers is up to the experimenters.

A simple way to define an outlier is by using the lower (LQ) and upper (UQ) quartiles and the interquartile range (IQR); for example:

Define two boundaries b1 and b2 at each end of the data:

b1 = LQ - 1.5 × IQR and UQ + 1.5 × IQR

b2 = LQ - 3 × IQR and UQ + 3 × IQR

If a data point occurs between b1 and b2 it can be defined as a mild outlier

If a data point occurs beyond b2 it can be defined as an extreme outlier.

The multipliers of the IQR for the boundaries, and the number of boundaries, can be adjusted depending upon what definitions are required/make sense.

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Q: How can you use a calculation to decide whether a data point is an outlier in a data set?
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How does a outlier look like in math terms?

An outlier looks like a piece of data that does not fit the pattern of most of the data. However just because some data point "looks like an outlier" does not necessarily mean that it is - standards for deciding whether something is an outlier or not varies a lot from course to course (and how accurate you want to be), so one person's outlier is another persons normal data.

What Anomalous data on a graph shows what?

An Outlier; an Outlier is when a point is not part of a trend (pattern)

If you take off the outlier does it make the mean change?

Yes, it will. An outlier is a data point that lies outside the normal range of data. This means that if it is factored in the mean will move in the direction the outlier is, really high if the outlier was high, and really low if the outlier was low.

Can you have more than one outlier in a set of data?

Yes, any data point outside thestandard deviation its an outlier

What is out outlier?

A data point that is significantly outside of the rest of the trend.

Is an outler a false data point?

No because an outlier is an extreme data point that can almost be ignored.

What is a data point called that stands out away from all of the rest of the data?

An outlier

What is a point that is clearly not a part of a graphs trend?

It could be an outlier, or more likely, a mistake.

How many data sets does a outliers have?

Each outlier is a single point in the outcome space.

What is an outlier on a graph?

A point on a graph that is not on the line or set of lines on a coordinate plane.

How The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?

It is the outlier.

How do you determine outliers?

One definition of outlier is any data point more than 1.5 interquartile ranges (IQRs) below the first quartile or above the third quartile. Note: The IQR definition given here is widely used but is not the last word in determining whether a given number is an outlier. IQR = 10.5 â?? 3.5 = 7, so 1.5. IQR = 10.5.