Graphs can be used to answer math problems that deal with how numbers change over time, such as how a population changes from year to year.
They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.
you have to solve the problem
a graph key is when one end of the graph goes into a nother graph and makes baby graphs.
Use a histogram then use divisions like 60-69 70-79 etc.
a math table is a table that show a graph show or any other problem or to make a graph that shows information
A graph has both an x and y axis.
By grid, do you mean graph? Because a graph can have problems dealing with slope, x and y intercepts, lines, etc.
a line graph is a graph that is used to record different sets of data,mainly used in math to record the differences of numbers
You can use graph paper
When comparing two things in the graph, you use double bars per interval.
In a maths problem, "construction" usually means you're required to draw something. e.g "Construct a line from A to B", or "Construct a graph of this function".
They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.
Windows 7 or windows word office offers a great options of graphs to use in most situations, i feel this is an excellent place to do a math problem.