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They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.

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Oma Aufderhar

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Q: What type of math do scientist use to analyze math?
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What kind of mathematics do scientist us to analyze data?

Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.

What of math do scientist use to analyze data?

They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.

What kind of mathematics's do scientists use to analyze data?

Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.

What kind of math do scientist use to analyze data?

For the most part, they use math related to statistics. They use it to interpret their data, and to determine trends and significance of data points collected in an experiment

What kind of math do scientist use analyze data?

For the most part, they use math related to statistics. They use it to interpret their data, and to determine trends and significance of data points collected in an experiment

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How does a forensic scientist use math?

Forensic science is any branch of science used to analyze crime scene evidence for a court of law. All science uses math concepts and equations, and forensic scientists are well educated in mathematical concepts they use to analyze evidence from crime scenes.such as Measurements, Proportions, Trigonometry

What type of math is use to tell how meaningful a scientific data set is?

Statistics is used to analyze and describe data sets.

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How do scientist use math in their work?

all of them

How why do scientist use models?

With a model, a scientist can explain or analyze an object, system, or concept in more detail.