The denominators are equal, so you can just add the numerators exactly. They add up to 9 over 12.
To get the right answer. If you add 1/3 and 1/4, you might not be as successful as when you add 4/12 and 3/12.
To get 1, you need 12 twelfths. If you have 7/12 you have to add 5/12 to get to 12/12 = 1(7 + 5 = 12, 7/12 + 5/12 = 12/12 = 1)
The denominators are equal, so you can just add the numerators exactly. They add up to 9 over 12.
12/3 + 1 = 5
five twelfths 7/12 + 5/12 = (7 + 5)/12 = 12/12 = 1/1 = 1
because if you add 1 to 12 you will get one more not less.
To get the right answer. If you add 1/3 and 1/4, you might not be as successful as when you add 4/12 and 3/12.
To get the right answer. If you add 1/3 and 1/4, you might not be as successful as when you add 4/12 and 3/12.