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Q: How did Pythagoras use the radical expressions in his theory?
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What jobs use Pythagoras theory?

archeology, building, stuff like that

What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose sides are 9 radical 2?

Use Pythagoras' theorem: a2+b2 = c2 and the square root of c2 is the length of the hypotenuse.

What shape does Pythagoras's theorem use?

Pythagoras' theorem is applicable to right angle triangles

How can you find the base and height of a triangle if you only have one side?

You can only do this if it is a right angled, isosceles triangle. If you have one of the shorter ones, then use Pythagoras Theory to find the hypotenuse, and the other short one would be the same as the one you started with. If you have the hypotenuse, say its 3, the you can use Pythagoras Theory again. a squared+a squared=9 thus 2asquare=9 A squared=4.5 A=root of 4.5 When it is the shorter side.

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how many different ways can you use the digits 3 and to write expressions in exponential form/ what are the expressions

Which expressions do walther and Ruth use to refer to their apartment?

They use as expressions the words small, timeworn and clean

When a rectangular park measures 300ft by 400ft a side walk runs diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner find the length of the side walk?

Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.

How are numerical expressions and algebraic expressions similar?

They both use PEMDAS or Order of Operation

What school subject would you use Pythagoras in?


Would a nurse use Pythagoras theorem?
