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Q: How did horizontal integration limit competition?
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What is horzontal integration?

Horizontal integration is where the slices are parallel to the x-axis, instead of to the y-axis. In this case, you would be integrating f(y)dy, instead of f(x)dx.

Vertical horizontal integration?

Determine the primary benefits that might be sought by consumers of the following products (a) Tooth paste

When you find particular integral then why you not add constantof integration?

Where you refer to a particular integral I will assume you mean a definite integral. To illustrate why there is no constant of integration in the result of a definite integral let me take a simple example. Consider the definite integral of 1 from 0 to 1. The antiderivative of this function is x + C, where C is the so-called constant of integration. Now to evaluate the definite integral we calculate the difference between the value of the antiderivative at the upper limit of integration and the value of it at the lower limit of integration: (1 + C) - (0 + C) = 1 The C's cancel out. Furthermore, they will cancel out no matter what the either antiderivatives happen to be or what the limits of integration happen to be.

What are limits and why you use them?

Limits give upper and lower bounds for integration. One simple example is in finding an enclosed area. The upper and lower limits form vertical lines which enclose an area between the function and the x-axis and then integration from the lower limit (smaller x boundary) to the upper limit (larger x boundary).

How you can defferentiate an integral?

If the upper limit is a function of x and the lower limit is a constant, you can differentiate an integral using the Fudamental Theorem of Calculus. For example you can integrate Integral of [1,x^2] sin(t) dt as: sin(x^2) d/dx (x^2) = sin(x^2) (2x) = 2x sin(x^2) The lower limit of integration is 1 ( a constant). The upper limit of integration is a function of x, here x^2. The function being integrated is sin(t)

Related questions

Horizontal integration is?

Controlling the prices for a product by eliminating the competition.

What are advantages of horizontal integration?

the bigger companies can get rid of their competition by combining

What does monopoly employing horizontal integration mean?

A monopoly employing horizontal integration means what?

How did the industrialists discourage competition?

Pulling arrangements, Holding Companies, Trusts, Vertical and Horizontal Integration.

What does a monopoly employing horizontal integration means?

A monopoly employing horizontal integration means what?

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What is a horizontal integration?

Horizontal integration is the merging or takeover of a company that is in the same market and at the same stage of the supply chain.

What integration strategies are sometimes collectively referred to as which of these strategies?

horizontal integration

What is a horizontal integration monopoly?

A company that tries to control the competition in a single step of the production process. :>

Different between horizontal and vertical integration?

Horizontal integration refers to a company acquiring or merging with similar businesses in the same industry to expand its market presence, increase market share, and gain economies of scale. Vertical integration involves a company expanding its operations by acquiring or merging with business entities at different stages of the supply chain, such as suppliers or distributors, to control more aspects of the production process and reduce costs.

What was horizontal integration?

I think it is your mama

What are horizontal and vertical intergration?

Vertical Integration is owning a section of a business and horizontal integration is owning all businesses in a certain field.