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Q: How did the numbers of planes produced compare?
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soviet Union

How do jet planes fly?

Jet planes fly with the help of Thrust and Lift produced by the jet engines.

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You can compare their magnitude (absolute values) but not the numbers themselves.

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distinguishes what make it is EX: cessna 154, cessna 182 their different planes

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you can use a different type of fuel

1 fact about carbon dioxide produced by planes?

By shagging your mom.

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when you want to compare numbers to which is greater, lower or even equal

Where do airplane have seat numbers?

Commercial airports have planes with seat numbers to assist boarding and the airspace connecting airports have planes in transit carrying passengers sitting in numbered seats

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The company Great Planes is a model distributor distributing remote controlled planes as well as boats, helicopters and vehicles produced by various model companies.

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What do we call a chart that helps compare facts and numbers or quantities

Which plane was better in World War 2 the German planes or the British?

It wasn't as simple as that. Both sides had some very good aircraft, while some had limitations and weaknesses, but were produced in large numbers nevertheless

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they all are digit numbers