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The horizontal axis will be time and the vertical axis will be the measure of the plant health. The graph will be a step-function unless the health remains the same for all time. The vertical axis depends on how you have chosen to categorise plant health: for example: thriving, mostly good, OK, mostly poor, weak, dead.

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Q: How do I make a graph of qualitative data of plant health over time?
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A line graph is the best choice for graphing your data when you're showing quantitative data (numbers) over time. A bar graph is best when you're showing qualitative data and quantitative data at the same time. A line graph could be: Laps run in a minute. A bar graph could be: Laps run by Legolas, Gimli, Hermione, and Harry in 5 minutes.

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No it's quantitative because it has to do with numbers and is an exact calculation. Qualitative would be, for example, change in color

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Would you please provide somewhat more detail about the situation involved and resubmit your question.

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Quantitative data may be used to make a graph or table. Qualitative is easier to explain with numbers or a written description.

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Qualitative data is information that is not in numerical form.

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