First you divide the numerator by the denominator and will equal a decimal then you move the decimal two places.
It is the percentage by which the cost of something is reduced.
When finding the percentage of something, you multiply the decimal equivalent of it by the number that you wish to find the percentage of. So you are saying 0.2 (which is 20% in decimal) times 170. you should get 34
Score is to grade by reviewing something and correcting it to find the errors in it. This is usually followed by a percentage or marks that signify what the score is.
The answer depends on percentage of WHAT!
Divide it by 100.
change the percentage to a decimal than divide it.
What percentage of x is y. y/x *100%. ie. 345 is what percentage of 3953. 345/3953 *100%=8.73%(rounded to two decimals)
In order to find this percentage, you can set the fraction 2/3 equal to x/100, since a percentage is the portion of something in relation to the whole, or the amount in each hundred. If you cross-multiply and divide (multiply 2 x 100, and then divide by 3), you will find your answer: 66.6 percent.
a rate is a comparison of something. A percentage is always a comparison to 100.
50% is half of something.
Divide the percentage by 100 and that is the value.
You take your percentage and divide it by 100 then times it by your whole number or what you are trying to find the percent of
High efficiency means that a large percentage of the energy used is converted to something useful (the desired output of the machine), and a low percentage is wasted.High efficiency means that a large percentage of the energy used is converted to something useful (the desired output of the machine), and a low percentage is wasted.High efficiency means that a large percentage of the energy used is converted to something useful (the desired output of the machine), and a low percentage is wasted.High efficiency means that a large percentage of the energy used is converted to something useful (the desired output of the machine), and a low percentage is wasted.
over 65%
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25/30 will give you a decimal: .833334 Simplify this to .83 Multiply by 100 to get the percentage, 83% 100-83=17 The item is 17% off.