Usually you would put the first number in the ratio into the fraction's numerator (top part), and the second number into the fraction's denominator (bottom part).
You must first convert the fractions to a common denominator. Then just add the numerators (the top part of the fraction).
The upper part of a fraction is its numerator and the lower part of a fraction is its denominator.
Proper fraction is part to whole.
Yes, you can but you need to "rename" the whole part of the first mixed number.
Usually you would put the first number in the ratio into the fraction's numerator (top part), and the second number into the fraction's denominator (bottom part).
A fraction does not have a button part.
You must first convert the fractions to a common denominator. Then just add the numerators (the top part of the fraction).
Yes, that's correct.
answer for me please
The upper part of a fraction is its numerator and the lower part of a fraction is its denominator.
Proper fraction is part to whole.
Yes, you can but you need to "rename" the whole part of the first mixed number.
a fraction is part of the whole...
The DenominatorThe denominator in a fraction, is the bottoms part of a fraction. In other words it indicates what a whole fraction is divided in, e.g (4 is the bottom number in 1/4 so the whole will be divided in quarters)The NumeratorThe Numerator in a fraction, is the top part of a fraction. It tells you how many bits the the whole is divided in, e.g (2 is the top number in 2/5 so the whole is divided in 2 of the 5ths)
The top part of a fraction is the numerator; the bottom part is the denominator.
A whole number combined with a proper fraction