The bottom number of a fraction is the denominator and the top number is the numerator.
You can enter complex fractions on a TI-Inspire calculator, even though there is not a fraction button. Since a fraction bar essentially means to divide, so the division button is a fraction bar.
A fraction names part of a region or part of a group. The top number of a fraction is called its numerator and the bottom part is its denominator. They are separated by a line called a "fraction bar."
A compound fraction, also known as a mixed number, is a fraction which comprises a whole part and a fractional part.
It is called the shaded part!
It is the fraction 1/1.
The numerator is the name given to the top part of a fraction; the denominator is the bottom part of a fraction.
The denominator
Yes , the denominator .
It is called a fraction
The bottom part of a fraction is the denominator.
A fraction or decimal or percent
This is the denominator, which is the bottom line of the fraction.
In its simplified form, there is no such number.
i think it's a fraction.......
The denominator
They are equivalent fractions.