

How do I solve the spreadsheet Please help me solve this. I am not sure if I am doing it right. Thank you!?

Updated: 9/27/2023

Honest Abe and Cars R Us are two fiercely competitive car dealerships. Recently, both started to sell Sniper Hybrid, a new model from Green Motors. Dealers’ cost of the car is $19,600. Green Motors pays a dealership $300 for each car sold, and the dealership also keeps whatever markup it adds to the cost. Both dealers start selling the car at the price of $20,600. Immediately after the two dealerships started to offer the car, each decided to lower the price until the other dealership stopped selling the car. However, their price reduction policies differed. Honest Abe’s policy is as follows: at the end of each day, the company sets the price for the next day at the competitor’s price minus $50. Cars R Us’s policy is the following: at the end of each day, the company sets the price for the next day at the competitor’s price minus one percent. Each dealership decided to stop selling the car as soon as it sells a car at a loss instead of a profit. Using a spreadsheet application, enter the initial numbers and build a model that will help you answer the following questions: a. Which dealer will stop selling the car first? b. How many days after it starts to sell the car will this dealer stop selling it? c. How much money will this dealer lose per car on the first day it loses money on this car? d. If the Honest Abe changes his price reduction to $25, how will this change the results?

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Jennifer Sal

Lvl 1
3y ago

Best Answer

0-~Ayn Rand *************************************************** in the battle between good intentions unintended consequences always win

1-the country has changed significantly even since 10 years ago , when bush adviser karl rove predicted decades of conservative domination , in our `` country ''

2-1 the reasons for this growing attention and apprehension are clear enough

3-five years ago , jeffrey goldenberg published `` the point of no return '' in the atlantic

4-[ ? ]

5-in case you missed our latest series , here are our picks for the funniest of the funniest in the meme machine

6-thats when finicum led him right into something none of the militia wanted anyone to see

7-by steven neill , ( c ) 2017 ( jul

8-the pundits have been busy whipping a fresh batch of eliminationist rhetoric this week

9-this was markos ' attempt to support shaun king who writes for daily kos , but whose lies were exposed by

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Ona Wuckert

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how do you know?

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