Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions which are useful because calculations are easier to work out.
Whenever the numbers that I need to work with are not integers.
There are not two even integers that work. Let the integers be 2n and 2n+2 Now we have 4n+2=528 or 4n=526 Since 526 is not divisible by 4, we conclude that there is no even integer that will work! n=131.5 so 2n=263 which is odd 263+ 265=528 but these are two odd integers.
Multiply the integer by -1 this makes the number positive.
No integers work
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions which are useful because calculations are easier to work out.
let x be any integer
That doesn't work. Factors are integers.
Whenever the numbers that I need to work with are not integers.
There are not two even integers that work. Let the integers be 2n and 2n+2 Now we have 4n+2=528 or 4n=526 Since 526 is not divisible by 4, we conclude that there is no even integer that will work! n=131.5 so 2n=263 which is odd 263+ 265=528 but these are two odd integers.
Multiply the integer by -1 this makes the number positive.
I am not quite sure what you mean with "work". A positive integer is one that is greater than zero.
integers are any number number on a number line and do not have fractions or decimals. They could be any thing from -7 to 3 to 10000000000 or -3475848569. Welcome!
It is an old saying by mathematicians that God invented the integers : all else is the work of man.Not many men would want to theorise on why the Lord decided to invent them.
Negative integers, zero and the positive integers, together form the set of integers.