To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
Say them out loud. 0.23 = twenty-three hundredths = 23/100 Count the number of digits to the right of the decimal and divide number by 10 to the number of digit power. For example 0.12 =12/100 0.123 = 123/1000 0.1234 =1234/10000
The correct correct correct correct answer is 0.65 yo!
yo yo as
5.031 = five and thirty-one thousandths.
turn the mixed number into an improper fraction
yo you will turm det rener into a import fractioym then become a decimal and them fere percent you didnt even spell it right "yo"
As an improper fraction it is equivalent to 29/1As a decimal it is equivalent to 29.0
you are mixed with whatever you want to be so go girl do yo thang do yo thang i said go girl do yo thang....remember that from elementary
Say them out loud. 0.23 = twenty-three hundredths = 23/100 Count the number of digits to the right of the decimal and divide number by 10 to the number of digit power. For example 0.12 =12/100 0.123 = 123/1000 0.1234 =1234/10000
um yo yo yoy yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo i dont no the answer jerk
You move the decimal point two spaces to the left. E.g: 23 divided by 100 equals 0.23.