The numerator won't make a difference in how easy it is to add them. You need the denominators to be the same. Find the LCM and use that as the denominator. Then adjust the numerators accordingly and add them.
Hope this helped :P
--- Travis
if it has a denominator
You convert them both to improper fractions by multiplying the denominators by the whole number and then adding the numerator to it. This number goes in the numerator and the denominator stays the same. Then you do this for the other fraction, making sure that the denominators of each fraction are equivalent. Then add the fractions as normal.
You multiply the denominator by the whole number the add the numerator and you keep the denominator the same.
Yes, but the numerator is different,same as adding fractions
It is easier to multiply or divide fractions than to add or subtract fractions because in multiplication, you just have to multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator. Same applies with division of fractions, except that you have to reciprocate the fraction you're dividing with (divisor) then proceed to multiplication. Whereas, in addition and subtraction of fractions, you still have to get their Least Common Denominator (LCD).
if it has a denominator
Fractions with the same numerator are called like fractions
In order to add fractions, they must have the same denominators. If the fractions you wish to add do not already have the same denominators, they can be made to do so by finding the right number by which to multiply both the numerator and the denominator of each fraction. To find this number, multiply all the distinct denominators together, then multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by a number found by the dividing the product of the distinct denominators by the denominator of the particular fraction concerned. All the fractions will then have the same denominator. Add the numerators of such fractions together to find the numerator of the sum; its denominator will be the one common to all the fractions.
Do not add the denominators together. Though keep in mind that both denominators must be the same to add to fractions together.
You convert them both to improper fractions by multiplying the denominators by the whole number and then adding the numerator to it. This number goes in the numerator and the denominator stays the same. Then you do this for the other fraction, making sure that the denominators of each fraction are equivalent. Then add the fractions as normal.
You multiply the denominator by the whole number the add the numerator and you keep the denominator the same.
Yes, but the numerator is different,same as adding fractions
It is easier to multiply or divide fractions than to add or subtract fractions because in multiplication, you just have to multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator. Same applies with division of fractions, except that you have to reciprocate the fraction you're dividing with (divisor) then proceed to multiplication. Whereas, in addition and subtraction of fractions, you still have to get their Least Common Denominator (LCD).
Yeah banana
seeing as both the numerator and the denominator are the same you simple just add the numerators then the denominator then that your answer.
Subtract the numerator Subtract or add the numerator Subtract or add the numerator ex: 3/4-1/4=2/4 or 1/2 ex: 5/8 + 1/8= 6/8 or 3/4
Numerator, Denominator or Denominator, Numerator.