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log base 10 of 24. Use your calculator. log(24)

Thanks, but i mean after you get to log 10 of 24 it looks like this

24=10^x how do I figure this i mean

Type in the "log(" button, then 24 if you're using a graphing calculator.

Type in 24 then "log" if you're using a small scientific calculator.

Spreadsheet programs can do it as well. Type this:

  • =log(24)

in a cell and press the Enter key.

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Please note that an expression like log 25.65 is ambiguous, since no base is specified. In this case, either base 10 or base e might be assumed, depending on the context.In some calculators, especially older ones, you would press the number 25.65, then press one of the log keys. There is usually one for base 10, and one for base e. In newer calculators, you press the one of the log keys first, then the number, then something like enter.

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Most calculators come with a log button, which is always in base 10. So you should type the (-) symbol and then log button then 10

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