Descending order.
easy as one two three
For these numerals to make any sense first arrange them in descending order like this: LXXXXVVIII which can then be simplified to CIII (103)
Put the biggest first, the next biggest next... and the smallest last. You may want to convert them all to a common denominator and then order them by numerator wioth the largest first and the smallest last.
It depends on the purpose of the arrangement.
its arranged by ascending and descending order.........
Descending order.
Start with the largest and end with the smallest
easy as one two three
need to arrange 5/8,1/2,4/11 in increasing order
Ascending means increasing in value or moving higher, while descending means decreasing in value or moving lower. In a numeric sequence, ascending would go from lowest to highest, while descending would go from highest to lowest.
4n3 - 12n2 - 7n + 9
Arrange them in descending order.
To sort is to arrange a field(column) depending on whether you choose to have them from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest (ascending or descending)
For these numerals to make any sense first arrange them in descending order like this: LXXXXVVIII which can then be simplified to CIII (103)