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sin (theta) = [13* sin (32o)]/8

= 13*0.529919264/8

= 0.861118804

[theta] = sin-1 (0.861118804)

[theta] = 59.44o

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Q: How do you calculate Sin theta equals 13 times sin 32 degrees divided by 8?
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It depends if 1 plus tan theta is divided or multiplied by 1 minus tan theta.

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degrees = pi/180 180 degrees = pi .33pi = .33 times 180 = 60 degrees

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I'm asuming you meant "ten theta"the square of 5 is 2525 divided by 10 is 2.5so theta equals 2.5there you go =)

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Using x instead of theta, cos2x/cosec2x + cos4x = cos2x*sin2x + cos4x = cos2x*(sin2x + cos2x) = cos2x*1 = cos2x

What is 2 thetasin theta equals cos theta?

It is a simple trigonometric equation. However, without information on whether the angles are measures in degrees or radians, and with no domain for theta, the equation cannot be solved.

Can sine theta equals tan theta equals theta be equal for small angels?

Yes. (Theta in radians, and then approximately, not exactly.)

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cos(theta) = 0.7902 arcos(0.7902) = theta = 38 degrees you find complimentary angles

How do you figure this out Sin theta equals 0.0138 so theta equals what?

theta = arcsin(0.0138) is the principal value.

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The answer is 60 and 240 degrees. Add radical 3 and inverse tan to get answer add 180 for other answer less than 360.