@inpatient_cost_per_1000_per_year = (@inpatient_cost_per_1000/@member_months)* 12
1002 episodes*20,000 pateints/1000
Use the formula 4.5*t(OD-t)/1000
around 200
Mercury has a density of 13,6 grams per cubic centimeter. One liter has 1000 cubic centimeters One kilogram has 1000 grams 13,6 * 1000 / 1000 = 13,6 kilograms per liter One liter of mercury has a mass of 13,6 kilograms
total admits/total days x 1000
Every person in Kenya is a person, therefore there are 1000 people per 1000 people in Kenya.
1002 episodes*20,000 pateints/1000
there 786 people per 1000 in Brazil.
(days/member months)*12000
there are 21 per 1000 in Canada in 2010
in Germany there are 960 mobiles per 1000!
number of patients: 2 number of visits: 4
There are 15 deaths per 1000 people and 42 births per 1000 people.
An increase of 6 per 1000 people
calculate how far you go in metres in one minute, then multiply by 1000, then divide by 60
o.4 per 1000 people