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Q: How do you calculate currency future price?
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What does currency future trading mean?

A currency future means to trade one currency for another in the future at a price that has been determined on the purchasing date. This is a future contract, not one that occurs right away.

What is an FX future in relation to trading?

In relation to trading, an FX future refers to a currency, or foreign exchange future. This means that one is trading on what the price of a certain currency will be at a certain date and time. This is typically done with US currency.

How can currency futures be used by corporation?

The currency futures can be used by a corporation to exchange one currency for another at a specified date in the future at a price that is fixed on the purchase date. It is also called foreign exchange future or FX future.

Does the price go on top of the fraction?

The answer depends on what you are trying to calculate: the unit price of something or how many of them you can buy for one unit of currency.

What is a currency future?

currency future is a future contract in which a specified currency can be bought or sell at a predetermined price and date. it can be used for risk hedging purpose and for speculation purpose.risk is related to fluctuation in rate of various currencies,e.g. rupee to dollar, if investor will receive cash flow denominated in foreign currency in some future date at that time the value of that currency might be lower than today's value then there is a risk for getting money less than it should be. so to eliminate this risk the investor will enter in to the contract of currency future that he will sell this contract at some specific price at predetermined date. hence his risk will be hedged now he is no longer concerned about the fluctuation in value of that currency.

What is price of 1US in Indian currency?

The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.

Safest currency for the future invstment?

A currency future, which is also narrated as FX future or foreign exchange future, is a future contract. This is the currency that is used in international market to exchange currency. All country use this main currency as their reserve and deal with other countries in this FX currency.

What is the difference between currency future and currency option?

The difference between a currency future and a currency option is the option is the amount paid is all that is at risk and with future you could lose a lot more.

How do you calculate the currency futures?

By Exchange : Forward rate = Spot price * (1/ int rate * Tenor(Time:90/360))

How much is one currency?

There is no price for one currency. Currencies are traded in pairs and the price is for one currency in terms of the other currency.

What best explains the difference between a fixed currency and a floating currency?

The price of a floating currency is determined by the currency exchange market while the price of a fixed currency is connected to the price of some other commodity.

What is differences between currency future and currency future contracts?

"Futures" and "Futures contracts" are the same thing.