

Best Answer

-- Write down the number of kwh

-- Write down the number of square feet

-- Divide the first number by the second number.

-- The answer is mathematically correct, but doesn't appear to have

any physical significance in the real world.

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Q: How do you calculate kwh per square foot?
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Monthly rent per square foot is total monthly rent divided by the square footage Monthly Rent Per Square Foot x 12 to Calculate Annual Rent Home Loan EMI Calculator by Dwarkaexpresswayhomes. Easy to understand online Housing Loan EMI Calculator that helps calculate the EMI required to pay for your dream home. Know EMIs here!

How many kwh does a 52800 square foot building use in the summer?

For lighting use 0.1 watts of CFL per square foot, so 5-6 kW. In the summer, nothing for heating.

How do you work out total cost of 35kwh to cost per kwh?

To calculate the cost per kWh given 35 kWh of usage and the total cost, divide the total cost by the number of kWh. For example, if the total cost is $70 for 35 kWh, the cost per kWh would be $70 / 35 kWh = $2 per kWh.

How do you calculate 1200 square feet at 7.25 per square foot?

A 1,200 square feet parcel at $7.25 per square foot is worth: 1200 sq.ft. X $7.25/sq.ft. = $8,700

If limited to 40 watts per square foot how do you calculate kWh usage for a month for 1700 square feet?

To calculate the total kWh usage for a month for a space of 1700 square feet limited to 40 watts per square foot, you first multiply the area by the wattage limit (1700 sq ft x 40 Watts/sq ft). This gives you the total power input in watts in that space. Then divide this by 1000 to convert watts to kilowatts and multiply by the number of hours in a month (typically 720 hours) to get the total kWh usage.

What should my electric run in the winter on a 2200 square foot home?

Not enough data to calculate. Location in the world would be a good start. The rate at which you purchase power per kWh from the electricity utility company is also needed to find a cost.

How you calculate sales per square foot?

Annual sales / Total Sq Ft

What is the average cost per square foot to build a house in India?

If you buy a 500 square foot house three storey it will cost around 1 million us$ in a prime locations like Delhi & u can calculate cost per square foot.... (200 us$ per square foot...)

What is Average KWH per square foot residential consumption?

I'm finding that here in Southeast Virginia. My 1200 square foot home on average uses a little over 1200 kWh per month. That's with a wife and kid at home 24/7. The previous year they were only home for a few months and the average that year was about 1000 kWh. So I think the average could possibly be about the same as your square footage. Would also depend on climates, R-values, habits. We're fairly conservative.

How do you calculate labor cost per square foot to wire a house?

Labor cost per square foot to wire a house may vary depending on your contractors rates. They will usually have a rate per hour. You can multiple the hourly rate by the square footage needed per hour.

How do you calculate btu per square foot?

Divide the heat loss or gain obtained by the load calculation by square footage of the building.

How do you calculate in dollar terms - per square foot per plot ratio?

To calculate in dollar terms per square foot per plot ratio, you would divide the total cost by the total square footage of the property and then divide that by the plot ratio. This will give you the dollar value per square foot of the plot ratio.