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you are able to answer your question by using the following formula of estimating crude protein content in food or whatever protein percent you would like to estimate.

protein percentage =

(titration value- blank titration value )(0.01*14.007)

weight of sample used

Multiply the result by 100 and afterwards by 6.25 factor.

then you will get the accurate protein percentage that you are looking for .

hope that helped out .

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Q: How do you calculate percentage crude protein given that moisture 12 percent crude fiber 24 percent and crude protein 17 percent?
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What is the difference between 10 percent and 12 percent horse feed?

They are the percentage of protein in the horse feed.

What occurs when 50 percent of a protein produces a different phenotype than that produced by 100 percent or 0 percent of the protein?

incomplete dominance

Why 70 percent ethyl alcohol is used rather than 90 percent or 95 percent?

70% alcohol has been found to be more effective in killing microbes.Higher and lower concentration may not be as effective.90% alcohol coagulate proteins in contact.suppose 90% alcohol is poured over one celled organism,the alcohol penetrate the cellwall of the organism.the coagulated protein would then prevent the alcohol further from the cell and no more coagulation then take,if 70% alcohol is added into one celled organism.The diluted alcohol also coagulates the protein, but at a slower rate,so that it penetrates all the cell before coagulation.Then all the cell coagulated and the organism died.

How many pounds each of a soybean meal at 16 percent protein and cornmeal at 8 percent protein should be mixed together in order to get 320-lb mixture that is 14 percent protein?

Let S be the amount in pounds of soyabean meal and C be the amount in pounds of cornmeal.You can create two equations relating S & C by considering the amount of protein and total weight:16% S + 8% C = 14% of 320 lbS + C = 320 lbwhich can be used together to solve for S and C:subtract 6¼ times {1} from {2} to get:S - 16%S × 6¼ + C - 8% C × 6¼ = 320 - 14 × 6¼ of 320→ 100% S - 100% S + 100% C - 50% C = 100% of 320 - 87½% of 320→ 50% C = 12½% of 320→ C = 25% of 320 = 80Now substitute for C in {2}:S + 80 = 320→ S = 240Therefore you need 240lb of soyabean meal and 80 lb of cornmeal.

What percentage of 100 Whey protein Gold Standard is actually absorbed by the body?

There is no way to say how much of any nutrient is being absorbed by the body, because this depends on many factors. Protein is quickly digested, so the body can take it a lot at once, which means taking in a lot at once is still very effective. However, factors such as hydration and other foods consumed with the supplement can easily effect absorption.

Related questions

What is the difference between 10 percent and 12 percent horse feed?

They are the percentage of protein in the horse feed.

What percent of snake venom is protein?

Average protein estimation in snake venom is from 49.8 to 96.4% . the age of the snake may affect the percentage of protein content found in the venom

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To calculate the amount of nitrogen in a diet, you typically assume that 16% of protein is nitrogen. In this case, if 15% of the energy in the diet comes from protein, you can calculate the total protein in the diet (2500 kcal * 0.15 = 375 kcal from protein). Then, convert this to grams of protein using the fact that protein provides 4 kcal/g. Finally, since protein is about 16% nitrogen, you can calculate the total grams of nitrogen in the diet.

How do you calculate the carbohydrate in given plant material?

To calculate the carbohydrate content in plant material, you can use the following formula: Carbohydrates = 100 - (moisture + ash + protein + fat). First, determine the moisture, ash, protein, and fat content of the plant material through chemical analysis. Subtract these values from 100 to find the carbohydrate content. Alternatively, you can utilize laboratory methods like acid hydrolysis and chromatography to specifically analyze carbohydrates in the plant material.

What is 80-90 percent of protein?

80-90 percent of protein = -10

What occurs when 50 percent of a protein produces a different phenotype than that produced by 100 percent or 0 percent of the protein?

incomplete dominance

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Feed 1 has 22 percent protein by weight and Feed 2 has 60 percent protein by weight. How much of each by weight do you mix together to end up at a fix percent of protein like 30 percent 27 percent ect?

You copied this directly from your homework, didn't you?

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the average 150-pound male requires 22.5 grams of protein daily based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet, which means about 4.5 percent of calories should come from protein. WHO recommends that pregnant women get 6 percent of calories from protein.

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