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Q: How do you calculate the nth power of a number?
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How do you take a number to a frational power?

The easiest way to do this is with a calculator. Anyway, the definitions are as follows. x to the power 1/2 is the square root of x, x to the power 1/3 is the cubic root of x, and in general, x to the power 1/n is the nth. root of x. If you also have a number other than one in the numerator: For example, to calculate x to the power 3/5 you first raise x to the power 3, then take the fifth root of the result. You can also do it the other way: first calculate the fifth root, then raise to the third power. In general, to calculate x to the power m/n, you take the nth root, then raise the result to the power m.

What is the nth root of 244?

The nth root of a number is that number which when raised to the nth power (ie when multiplied by itself n times) results in the number. When n=2, it is the square root of the number; when n=3 it is the cube root of the number. To find the nth root of a number, an electronic calculator can be used, using the nth root button [x√y] (though more recent calculators replace the x and y by boxes) viz: <n> [x√y] [2] [4] [4] [=] or with the more recent calculators: [#√#] <n> [Navigate →] [2] [4] [4] [=] where <n> is the nth root, eg for 2nd root (square roots) enter [2]; and the # is being used to represent a box on the keys of the more recent calculator. Considering the rules for indices, the nth root is the the number to the power of 1/n, ie 244^(1/n), thus the calculation can be done using the power button: [2] [4] [4] [^] [(] [1] [÷] <n> [)] [=] With the more recent calculators, the power button is pressed first, the 244 entered, the navigate-right key pressed (to get in to the power part of the input) and then the n entered.

How do you calculate the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence using C?

what? Assuming you wanted an algorithm to find the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence: double Fib(int i) { double x = 1; double y = 1; if (i

How can you find the nth square number?

Three ways.. Multiply n by itself. Calculate Sum[2i+1,{i,0,n-1}] Calculate Sum[n,{i,1,n}]

What is the Nth term for a triangle number?

The Nth term for a triangle number is: 0.5n(n+1)

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nth. This refers to a number raised to an undefined power. "Consider x to the nth power."

How do you take a number to a frational power?

The easiest way to do this is with a calculator. Anyway, the definitions are as follows. x to the power 1/2 is the square root of x, x to the power 1/3 is the cubic root of x, and in general, x to the power 1/n is the nth. root of x. If you also have a number other than one in the numerator: For example, to calculate x to the power 3/5 you first raise x to the power 3, then take the fifth root of the result. You can also do it the other way: first calculate the fifth root, then raise to the third power. In general, to calculate x to the power m/n, you take the nth root, then raise the result to the power m.

What does to the nth degree stand for?

To the utmost, as in They'd decked out the house to the nth degree. This expression comes from mathematics, where to the nth means "to any required power" (n standing for any number). It was first recorded in 1852.

What is the nth root of 244?

The nth root of a number is that number which when raised to the nth power (ie when multiplied by itself n times) results in the number. When n=2, it is the square root of the number; when n=3 it is the cube root of the number. To find the nth root of a number, an electronic calculator can be used, using the nth root button [x√y] (though more recent calculators replace the x and y by boxes) viz: <n> [x√y] [2] [4] [4] [=] or with the more recent calculators: [#√#] <n> [Navigate →] [2] [4] [4] [=] where <n> is the nth root, eg for 2nd root (square roots) enter [2]; and the # is being used to represent a box on the keys of the more recent calculator. Considering the rules for indices, the nth root is the the number to the power of 1/n, ie 244^(1/n), thus the calculation can be done using the power button: [2] [4] [4] [^] [(] [1] [÷] <n> [)] [=] With the more recent calculators, the power button is pressed first, the 244 entered, the navigate-right key pressed (to get in to the power part of the input) and then the n entered.

How do you calculate the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence using C?

what? Assuming you wanted an algorithm to find the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence: double Fib(int i) { double x = 1; double y = 1; if (i

What is zero to the power of a number equal?

Zero to the power of anything is undefined. There is no number of zeros multiplied together that can produce any number other than zero, so zero to the nth power is undefined, by definition.

How can you find the nth square number?

Three ways.. Multiply n by itself. Calculate Sum[2i+1,{i,0,n-1}] Calculate Sum[n,{i,1,n}]

What is the Nth term for a triangle number?

The Nth term for a triangle number is: 0.5n(n+1)

What is the nth term of 1 2 4 8?

Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.

What is a number that can be written using an exponent called?

The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).

What is a number that can be written using exponents is called a?

The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).

How do you find the nth term of something?

That depends what information you are given. For example, if you are given the formula for the nth term, you can calculate it directly - substituting "n" with the number.