Multiply the denominator,8, and see what number can be multiplied to get 10, 100, or 1000
No, 3/18 is not a whole number.
Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction by putting it over 1.
A rational number is one where a whole number is over another whole number. 3 and 2 are both whole numbers so 3/2 is a rational number.
The nearest whole number is 6.
' 1 ' is the smallest whole number. 3/8 is less than that. There is no whole number that represents 3/8 .
The answer is 43 and the reason why the tens digit changes is because 7 + anything over 2 will change the digit. If just added 7 + 6 it would be 13 then add 30. 1 + any whole number over 8 will change the tens digit 2 + any whole number over 7 will change the tens digit 3 + any whole number over 6 will change the tens digit 4 + any whole number over 5 will change the tens digit 5 + any whole number over 4 will change the tens digit 6 + any whole number over 3 will change the tens digit 7 + any whole number over 2 will change the tens digit 8 + any whole number over 1 will change the tens digit 9+ any whole number over 0 will change the tens digit ect
1 over 3 is not a whole number.
3/8 is not a whole number, so no whole number is equivalent to it.
3/4 cannot be a whole number.
No, 3/18 is not a whole number.
28/9 = 3 1/9
No, 3/2 is not a whole number, it is an improper fraction.
The smallest whole number is the number ' 1 '. " 3 over 100" is only 3 percent of 1 . It simply does not have what it takes to be a whole number, and there is nothing you can do to it to make it one.
3 over 7 is a fraction and is not equivalent to a whole number.
Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction by putting it over 1.
A rational number is one where a whole number is over another whole number. 3 and 2 are both whole numbers so 3/2 is a rational number.
3/4 is not a whole number