24/8 is 3 as a whole number.
When dividing 8 by 3, the result is a decimal number, which is approximately 2.6667. To convert this decimal into a whole number, you have to round it to the nearest whole number. Since 2.6667 is closer to 3 than to 2, the whole number equivalent of 8 divided by 3 is 3.
0.375 is not a whole number and cannot be a whole number. The nearest whole number is 0.
uhhhh. no. 5 over 8 = 5/8 = .625 a whole number has no decimal numbers.
The whole number is 5.
' 1 ' is the smallest whole number. 3/8 is less than that. There is no whole number that represents 3/8 .
24/8 is 3 as a whole number.
The whole number for 8 over 5 is 1 and 3/5.
It is: 8
24/8 = 3
When dividing 8 by 3, the result is a decimal number, which is approximately 2.6667. To convert this decimal into a whole number, you have to round it to the nearest whole number. Since 2.6667 is closer to 3 than to 2, the whole number equivalent of 8 divided by 3 is 3.
Yes. It is 8.
3/8 is equivalent to 0.375
0.375 is not a whole number and cannot be a whole number. The nearest whole number is 0.
Take the whole number and make it that number over one. For example: 2/3 * 4 = 2/3 * 4/1 = 8/3
Multiply the denominator,8, and see what number can be multiplied to get 10, 100, or 1000