Say for example the fraction you wanted to convert was 3 fifths or 3/5.
Then you type into your calculator 3 divided by 5.
This would give you 0.6 and that is the decimal version!
You determine the least to greatest in decimals by using their leftmost unit. The decimal 0.2 is less than 0.3. To determine fractions, you need to first convert them to decimals.
Not really, since roman numerals don't have units smaller then one.
Because some decimal numbers can't be converted into fractions if they are irrational numbers.
No, fractions cannot be changed into decimals using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are a numeral system used in ancient Rome, which does not have a way to represent fractions or decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are represented using a base-10 system with digits ranging from 0 to 9.
If you can write down the number completely, using digits, decimals, and fractions, then it's rational.
You determine the least to greatest in decimals by using their leftmost unit. The decimal 0.2 is less than 0.3. To determine fractions, you need to first convert them to decimals.
Not really, since roman numerals don't have units smaller then one.
by using Greek methods and Greek numbers or some type of Greek caculator
Fractions and Percents.
Using decimals allows for a more precise measurement than using fractions. For example, 1 meter is equivalent to 3.28084 feet, which is more accurately represented using decimals. Additionally, converting meters to feet and inches in decimals makes it easier for calculations and comparisons with other units of measurements.
It is easy: just convert to decimal fractions.
Because some decimal numbers can't be converted into fractions if they are irrational numbers.
miles x 5,280 = feet
No, fractions cannot be changed into decimals using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are a numeral system used in ancient Rome, which does not have a way to represent fractions or decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are represented using a base-10 system with digits ranging from 0 to 9.
convert numbers
If you can completely write a number, using digits, fractions and decimals, then the number is rational. You appear to have accomplished that.
If you can write down the number completely, using digits, decimals, and fractions, then it's rational.