You convert to a larger unit. Smaller to larger. Metre is 1000 times larger than a millimetre
The answer to that one is going to depend on two things:-- what unit you are converting from-- what unit you are converting to
to get a unit
poopie pants rock
You convert to a larger unit. Smaller to larger. Metre is 1000 times larger than a millimetre
you divide the smaller # into the bigger #----
To convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit you would multiply. Ex: 5 km = 5000 m Where 1 km = 1000 m <><><><><> It depends on which factor you are multiplying or dividing by. It can go either way. To convert from ounces to grams, for instance, you can divide by 28.350, or you can multiply by 0.035273.
It makes sense to multiply when converting measurements to smaller units because it takes many smaller units to make up a larger unit. So in order to translate larger unit(s) into smaller units, you have to break up the larger unit(s) into many smaller pieces.
To convert a given unit to a larger unit, you need to determine the conversion factor between the two units. Divide the given value by the conversion factor to get the answer in the larger unit.
Larger, since the meter is the smaller unit.
To convert from a smaller unit to a larger unit in the metric system, you move the decimal point to the left. Each time you move the decimal point one place to the left, you are multiplying by a factor of 10.
Because when you convert to a larger unit, you know that you will wind up with less of them, and if you divide by a number greater than ' 1 ', then the quotient is always a smaller number than you started with.
To change a larger unit to a smaller unit, you would typically divide by the conversion factor. For example, to convert 1 meter to centimeters, you would multiply by 100 (as 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters).
Decagram if going from larger unit to smaller unit, and decigram if from smaller to larger.
The answer to that one is going to depend on two things:-- what unit you are converting from-- what unit you are converting to
Kilograms, every time! Pounds are a measure in a near-obsolete system in which you require multiplication by 16 to convert to a smaller unit (ounce) or division by 14 to convert to a larger unit (stone)! To convert kilograms, simply multiply by 1000 for a smaller unit (gram) or divide by 1000 for a larger unit (ton).